Saturday, 2022-10-29

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MoeIcenowy_florent_: BTW for litex-boards, aliexpress_stlv7325 and taobao_a_e115fb seem to be from a vendor called 成都赛特凌威科技有限公司04:03
MoeIcenowyand it's official taobao store is at
tpbTitle: 首页-赛特凌威科技-淘宝网 (at
MoeIcenowy(btw this name translate to Shenzhen Saitelingwei (seems to be called SITLINV on the banner of the taobao store) Technology Co Ltd04:05
MoeIcenowyshould we rename them to sitlinv_stlv7325 and sitlinv_a_e115fb ?04:05
MoeIcenowy(I now care this because I am considering to buy a STLV732504:05
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tomaz-sullerHi there. I'm a university student who was really impressed by LiteX and would like to use it on a school project using Altera DE boards we have at the campus, but I can't get the JTAG UART to work on the DE10-Nano. I can synthesise and load the design but I can't get nios2-terminal to connect to it, as was done when the DE10-Nano target was18:26
tomaz-sullercreated in this issue: Has anyone had problems with this before and has been able to connect?18:26
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_florent_MoeIcenowy: Sure, I just used this because I was not able to find the vendor's name. If you have more info, we could indeed rename the targets21:07
_florent_tomaz-suller: jevinskie[m] added proper JTAG-UART support; on a de0nano you can do use it like this21:08
_florent_python3 -m litex_boards.targets.terasic_de0nano --uart-name=jtag_uart --build --load21:09
_florent_ litex_term jtag --jtag-config openocd_max10_blaster.cfg21:09
_florent_This should be similar on the DE10-Nano21:09

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