Saturday, 2022-07-02

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cr1901pepijndevos[m]: This might be a silly q, and I'm sorry if it is, but... what's the context of needing a phase shift here:
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jevinskie[m]OK, halfway done with the icarus verilog support. Now I need to add the VPI<>Verilator shim magic, which I can at least reuse for questa as well.
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pepijndevos[m]<cr1901> "pepijndevos: This might be a..." <- I uh have no idea05:28
cr1901pepijndevos[m]: Your name is at the top of the file, so I thought you might know :P05:30
cr1901Oh, oops... blame says _florent_ added that line05:30
cr1901My mistake05:30
pepijndevos[m]Yea i started it but didn't do the pll part05:42
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jevinskie[m]Ok, finally figured out baby’s first VPI module. Strangely I couldn’t find a “hello world” vpi example that just dumps a signal when it changes.
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