Monday, 2022-05-09

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jevinskie[m]I agree that line smells00:04
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zypnope, line 28 retains the previous value02:33
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zypswitch = [If(…).Else(*switch)]02:33
jevinskie[m]I always miss some mundane detail :)04:40
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_florent_mithro: great to see this is useful, BTW Sergiu is working on the paper you shared yesterday, I already discussed a little bit by mail with him.19:28
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subthresholdzyp, I might be missing something basic, but while the splat decomposes switch19:43
subthresholdI don't see where anything actually gets appended to the list to start19:43
subthresholdit looks like switch is assigned to a new list everytime.19:43
subthresholdAlso what RR algorithm is this actually implementing?19:44
zypsubthreshold, it's not appending to the list, it's taking the previous contents of the list and sticking it into the Else() clause so that after three iterations you end up with something like switch = [If(…).Else(If(…).Else(If(…).Else()))]20:26
subthresholdoh i see, missed the recursion there. Thanks!20:29
subthresholdAlso would you happen to know what SP_CE and SP_WITHDRAW mean21:03
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swetlandooh fun realization for demoing stuff with threads and MMU...23:51
swetland(4096 * 5) / (640 * 2) = 1623:51
swetland(one can slice a 640x480x16bpp display into 30 slices, each one text line tall, each fitting in exactly 5 pages)23:51

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