Saturday, 2022-04-30

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swetlandwhee.  I'm starting to (re-)understand the qemu innards09:08
swetlandWorking on building up a riscv machine for it that's compatible with vexriscv and the litex peripherals to allow the same code to run in qemu and on a ULX3s:
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xenador77Took me way longer than it should have, but I finally got a simple "blinky" to execute without error on my attempt at an upduino_v3 platform file. Haven't managed to get that onto the actual board yet, but it's still progress18:20
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swetlandthe uart peripheral is kind of strange.  the RXEMPTY register does not get set after you read the last character from TXRX, you have to clear the pending event bit22:43
cr1901edge triggered int?23:00
swetlandI believe so but the weird thing is the RXEMPTY register remains 0 even after the character is read23:07
swetlandI expect the PENDING bit to stay until cleared but the status registers for peripherals usually reflect the current state 23:07
cr1901Right, pending is the interrupt bit, RXEMPTY is the status bit23:13
cr1901(I don't have a good answer, sorry :P)23:13
swetlandno worries! 23:21
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