Wednesday, 2022-04-27

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swetlandthe video terminal puzzles me.  The bios seems to write to the terminal as a side effect of writing UART_TX and it looks like there's a source/sink linkage there.  But once my code starts running UART_TX writes only go to the uart.  Am I missing something?  Did the bios adjust some setting before transferring control?  00:21
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swetlandSo the video_framebuffer has a depth parameter (default "rgb888", option "rgb565") which smells like it should maybe cut the fifo size in half... but changing to 565 just results in an exception and python backtrace somewhere in the bowels of verilog generation05:04
swetlandreducing the fifo depth from 65536 to 16384 cuts the DP16KB usage from 32 to 8 and does not seem to impact operation (scanout works as before)05:44
_florent_swetland: Hi, just for info the OrangeCrab is almost full with the configuration provided in Linux-on-LiteX-VexRiscv. Using the SD-Card in SPI mode can indeed free up some resources.05:52
_florent_swetland: Regarding the VideoFramebuffer, you can indeed reduce the default fifo-depth05:53
_florent_swetland: not sure if switching from rgb888/rgb565 will have a real impact on resource usage, it will just use a different data-with converter05:54
_florent_swetland: you can eventually output this signal to an IO and monitor it:
_florent_swetland: if you see underflow, your FIFO is too small or resolution too high for its size05:56
_florent_with VexRiscv, you can also use this to point to an externally generated CPU:
swetlandcool. I'll give that a look (fifo underflow) -- it certainly is not resulting in any visible artifacts in scanout at 1/4 the size05:59
swetlandhere's a possibly more complex question -- how involved would it be to instead of ingesting characters from the uart, just have the video terminal expose its character/attribute memory like a PC character display?06:00
_florent_this would require remplacing with CSR registers allowing direct write to the terminal mem06:09
_florent_this should not complicated and could be an optional mode06:10
swetlandare you thinking like an address csr and data csr?  I was hoping more for direct mapped like a local sram  but that feels like poor fit for the csr address space06:11
tntyou can manually add a wishbone bus to it and wire it directly there as a memory zone.06:12
swetlandI guess a single 32bit register that encoded { X, Y, CH, ATTR } would work 06:12
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swetlandthe situation I'm thinking of is having multiple threads/processes writing to their own slice of the display without stepping on each other or needing locking06:13
_florent_this could also be directly mapped as suggested by tnt yes06:15
swetlandI think either solution would get the job done.   guess I need to start learning migen (or nmigen)?06:16
swetlandso CSRStorage() looks to be a CSR which then holds the written value in a register, is there an analogue that's more passthrough -- eg I could wire up to writing to the char/attr memory?06:22
tntYes CSR()06:22
tntself._cmd = CSR(14)    and then is the 'write enable' and self._cmd.r is the data.06:23
tnt(And yeah ... why it's 'r' and 're' is ... confusing to me, but that's the way it is)06:23
_florent_swetland: I could provide a skeleton for this if you want, but only this afternoon (in 5-6 hours)06:24
_florent_tnt: I was discussing of the re/r situation recently with bunnie, it seems to be confusing for everyone (me included) and we'll change this06:25
tnt_florent_: isn't that going to be a maintenance nightmare ?06:26
_florent_tnt: we'll just keep retro-compatibilty for it, but will introduce new signals with more meaningful names and encourage use of them06:26
_florent_with the retro-compatibility in place, it should be ok and will allow progressive switch06:27
swetland_florent_: I'm poking at the register thing now, we'll see how far I get. 06:27
swetlandI notice that the definition of CSR, etc have docs in the python sources -- is there a page where all the assembled docs are gathered? 06:28
swetlandI guess I'm hoping for a sort of "api refrence" or maybe "module reference" for the core building blocks06:28
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* swetland tries to figure out how to slice a Signal() up into subparts06:39
tntx[0:2] ?06:40
tntit uses the python slice thing.06:40
tntwith the same semantic and [0] is still the LSB.06:40
tnt( TBH this is the thing I absolutely _hate_ about migen and amaranth, this drives me crazy )06:41
tnt( so x[0:2] in migen/amaranth is the same as x[1:0] in verilog )06:41
swetlandyeah I just read the "numbers go right to left but slices go left to right"06:41
swetlandand my head already hurts06:42
swetlandalso my first error was spaces v tabs x.x06:42
swetlandI am not a lover of python06:42
swetlandI am even less a lover of using it as a DSL because instead of getting meaningful errors I stare at incomprehensible backtraces06:43
tntAhaha. Yeah, usually I love python _but_ I use tabs ... violating PEP8 but I don't care. But when working with code from other projects, I don't have a choice.06:43
swetlandbut such is life06:43
swetlandI have no idea how to comment out or disable all the CSI state machine stuff06:43
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tntremove it ?06:44
swetlandwell yeah that's what I'm doing for now, but figure at some point it'd be cool to make this thing a build option.  I guess I'll burn that bridge if I get there06:47
swetlandwhat's self.specials += ... about?06:48
tntThat's for stuff that gets special cased during build. Mostly FPGA architecture specific things. (i.e. it gets translated to primitives and such)06:49
tnt(I know only has much as do it when the examples show to do it ...)06:50
tntAnd to make it a build option you can just use `if with_direct_access:  xxxx_your_logic_xxxx   else:  xxx_the_previous_logic_xxx`06:51
tpbTitle: Snippet | IRCCloud (at
tntyeah the [16:22] should be in the parenthesis06:53
tntof is wrxy a CSR ? then you need wrxy.r06:54
swetlandoh I see06:55
tntAlso, probably should be 23 ?06:56
swetlandoh yeah, the :7 syntax threw me off 06:57
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swetlandhmmm.  I added AutoCSR to VideoTerminal so it plugged in my csr...07:21
swetland self._wrxy = wrxy = CSR(size=32)07:21
swetlandand yanked out the uart feed state machine and replaced it with07:21
swetland        self.comb += term_wrport.we.eq(
swetland        self.comb += term_wrport.dat_w[:font_width].eq(wrxy.r[0:7])07:21
swetland        self.comb += term_wrport.adr[:7].eq(wrxy.r[16:23])07:21
swetland        self.comb += term_wrport.adr[7:].eq(wrxy.r[24:31])07:21
tntmmm, should be 0:8 ?07:22
swetlandmaybe but don't think the high bit is the deal breaker07:23
tntprobably not.07:24
tntAnd it doesn't work ?07:24
swetlandif it were wired up right my expectation would be writing 0x30 to the register would drop a '0' in the upper left of the display x=0,y=0,ch='0'07:25
tntsounds right07:26
swetlanddo I maybe have to capture the write before pushing it into the memory (eg, is wrxt.r life when strobes such that I can just wire it straight up to the memory like this)?07:27
tntNo, shouldn't be needed07:27
tntPossibly only concern is ... which clock domain is the write port living in.07:28
swetlandnot sure how that's specified.  07:29
tntWhere is the VideoTerminal created ?07:29
swetlanda helper in the soc base thing07:29
tntyeah, it's all in a 'hdmi' clock domain which isn't the 'sys' clock domain that the CSR lives in.07:31
tntSo you need to get the memory write port in the 'sys' domain07:31
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tntTBH no clue how to do that ... the get_port has a 'clock_domain' arg, but it does default to 'sys' already but when instanciating VideoTerminal, 'sys' domain gets renamed to 'hdmi'. No ideo how to tell it not to do that for the write port :/07:33
swetlandah the VideoFrameBuffer has the clock domain ("sys") passed in07:33
swetlandbefore my changes the uart source thing used to write into this memory -- wouldn't that be in the sys clock domain too?07:35
tntin the ulx3s file, clock_domain="hdmi" when alling the helper.07:36
tntNo, if you look at the add_video_terminal, it does a CDC between the UART from the system and the signals given to VideoTerminal07:36
tnt_florent_: ping ^^07:37
tntHow can we deal with that? Is there a way to get the 'sys' domain that _stays_ 'sys' ?07:38
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swetlandI assume the block ram has clock-per-port so just writing in the sys domain reading in the hdmi domain certainly feels the most straightforward07:40
tntThe problem is how to convince migen to do that :)07:40
tntBecause the whole "VideoTerminal" modules operates in 'sys' by default (which is the default domain when not specifying anything). But then with the "ClockDomainRenamer", the add_video_terminal helpers "moves" it all to another domain ("hdmi") in the case of ulx3s. 07:41
tntBut in this case ... we want a small part of it to _stay_ in the 'sys' domain because that's where the CSR lives.07:42
swetlandI wonder if the memory primitive has a way to directly specify the clock domain(s)07:42
tntyes. get_port(clock_domain="sys")07:43
tntbut doesn't matter ... because this is _still_ going to get reassigned by the ClockDomainRenamer from add_video_terminal which is called after the port was requested and will take everything from the sys domain (even the memports) into the "hdmi" domain.07:43
swetlandwell that's no fun07:44
tntThe only way (very very hackish) I see to do it would be to request the memory port in a "csr" domain, then in the add_video_terminal helper, inside the ClockDomainRenamer, also ask to rename "csr" to "sys".07:44
tntThe clockdomain handling of migen/amaranth has ways to back you into a corner :/  It makes like 90% of the stuff easier, but then makes the other 10% a absolute nightmare (compared to just manually wiring 'clk' signals)07:46
swetlandyeah, I kinda miss verilog for all its warts.07:46
swetlandI'm a bit confused as to how get_port() knows which port to get07:47
swetlandis it inferring it based on the variable you're assigning it to?  07:47
swetlandfont_rdport = font_mem.get_port(has_re=True)07:47
tntwhat do you mean which port to get ?07:50
swetlandthe memory has read and write ports, yes?07:51
swetlandvt = ClockDomainsRenamer({"sys": clock_domain, "csr": "sys"})(vt)   whee!07:51
tntthe ports you get are always read capable. And only write capable if 'write_capable' was set to true.07:51
tntAnd if the "read side" of a write capable port isn't used, it'll be optimized out07:52
tntThat works ?07:52
swetlandwe shall find out in a few07:53
swetlandsadly it does not07:55
tntCan you post the generated verilog somewhere ?07:58
swetlandradiona_ulx3s.v ?07:59
swetlanddo you want any of the other outputs?07:59
tntno, just th e.v08:02
tntlooking at term_mem it seems right08:04
tntI guess maybe you should assign the upper 8 bits or maybe with the 'undefined' yosys is deciding that it can optimize it all out.08:05
* swetland nods08:05
swetlandyou win08:11
swetlandand I have a writeable character ram08:12
swetlandthanks for the help!08:14
_florent_great! (sorry I'm not really working this morning since have the kids around this morning)08:16
swetlandno worries08:16
tnt_florent_: no worries. But if you have a cleaner solution for the clock domain issue above later on, I'd be curious to know08:17
swetlandI think I'm going to extend the LEDS peripheral with _SET and _CLR registers08:18
* swetland is working on a little intro-to-os-fundamentals workshop and wants to put together a friendly platform for learning things. being able to have different threads interact with hw without tripping over each other is nice for people to see what's going on08:19
_florent_tnt: I'll have a look later yes08:24
swetlandwired the attribute byte to fg/bg RGB09:15
tntHey, nice.09:17
swetlandcalling it a night, but I think I'll add HSCROLL and VSCROLL controls to let you slide the character grid around and a way to write into the font "rom" 09:25
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davebeeFibnally seeing some JTAG io 11:04
davebeeFinally seeing some JTAG traffic on my ECP5 / vexriscv with external JTAG io pins. litex_server seems to shift lots of tdi=1 into the state machine. In shift-dr tap state. No sure what I should expect to see but it does not manage to get a valid IDCODE from the system.11:06
davebee"Info : JTAG tap: auto7.tap tap/device found: 0x40100401 (mfg: 0x200 (<invalid>), part: 0x0100, ver: 0x4)"11:07
davebeeShould litex-server provide a listener socket that gdb can connect to? I'm struggling a bit here.11:09
tntAre you sure it's supposed to work that way at all ?11:30
davebeeno, I'm not.11:31
tntI'm not familiar with the ecp5 jtagg primitive. But on xilinx for instance you can't "insert" something in the chain, you can just have user IR (4 of them) and then shift data wiht the DR. But it will never add a device in the chain.11:32
davebeeok. I'm not using the JTAGG primitive - because it wouldn't do what you say it doesn't do. I've added an external 4-wire JTAG interface, with a minor mod to pass the connections to soc.add_jtagbone(). It has io, but it is not doing what I expected. And I'm not sure how to diagnose the problem.11:34
tntok, now I'm confused ... because jtagbone is supposed to work with the primitives I mentionned above AFAIK.11:36
tntLike JTAGPHY instanciates XilinxJTAG / ECP5JTAG / AlteraJTAG11:38
davebeeThere is an optional parameter to JTAGPHY(), jtag=None, that bypasses the use of the primitive. I've set this to io lines tdi, tdo, tck, tms. And connected an FTDI JTAG interface to these pins. As I saw no effect from using the internal JTAGG primitive. But I think my problem is that I don't know what I am doing! What I want to do is to be able to connect gdb to the vexriscv.11:40
tntwell ... huh ... you can pass something as argument to jtag to use instead of the primitive. But that something needs to implement JTAG ...11:42
tnt(i.e. emulate one of the primitive and do what it does which among other things implement the scanning for id code and also decoding the states etc ...)11:43
tntif you just wire tdi/tdo/tms/tck that's not going to do anything. It's missing the whole JTAG state machine.11:43
davebeeThere is a JTAGPHY and a JTAGUART created in soc.add_jtagbone(). So the JTAGG has the TAP state machine in?11:44
davebeeokay, I'll try that again. So if it doesn't add the device into the chain, how do I talk to it?11:45
tntAFAICT the debug variant has a memeory zone 0xf00f0000 that talks to the Vex Debug unit.11:47
tntAnd you can talk to it through either JTAGBone, or UARTBone, or any other bridge method of litex to read/write the soc address space.11:47
tntyou read ?11:50
davebeeI'll take another look, thanks. The csr.csv has the debug region : "memory_region,vexriscv_debug,0xf00f0000,256,io" so that looks good.11:52
tntnext step would be to get litex_server running using jtag transport.11:54
tntand you can check that's working using litex_cli --ident and this should return the SoC identity through it.11:55
tntOnce you have that working you can try to attach gdb to it.11:55
davebeeThe litex_server config assumes an ftdi interface, but the colorlight i9 has an STM32 on the extension board which implements a cmsisdap JTAG / USB interface. I'll see if I can get an openocd config that works with that.11:58
tntnote that you don't _have_ to use JTAGBone at all ... 12:01
tntif you have a uart you can use UARTBone.12:01
tnt(TBH that's what I do because a 2 MBaud uart is often faster just because of the overhead in jtagbone)12:01
davebeeperhaps I should try that. Thanks.12:02
tntYeah, it's actually much easier.12:08
davebeeuart connected, build running ...12:09
tntI spent like 4 days gettings JTAG to work on the ZynqUSP, hoping that with a 30 MHz clock rate, it would blow a 2Mbaud uart out of the water ... and I was sorely disappointed.12:09
davebeeInteresting. I've spent many hours trying to get JTAG working.12:13
davebee$  litex_cli --ident --port 123512:14
davebeeLiteX SoC on Colorlight I9 2022-04-27 13:06:4012:14
tntok, so now just need to get connected to it.12:24
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davebeeworking on that. I already had a build. Thanks for all your help.13:05
davebeeHad to change the default listener port for the openocd connection to litex_server. But can now gdb the target. 14:10
davebeeI can set breakpoints, but my bootloader reloads clean code over it when I reboot. :) Thanks tnt, I'm now in more familiar territory.14:11
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mithrodavebee: Etherbone is much, much faster than either UARTBone or JTAGBone14:32
mithrodavebee: If you have ethernet, use that :-)14:32
davebeeCan I use it as the same time as debugging my ethernet driver ?14:33
mithrodavebee: Does the colorlight i9 have two ethernet devices?14:33
mithrodavebee: I know other ones do14:33
davebeeYes. I don't have them wired up though. I've got a Waveshare LAN8720 connected. Took me ages to get it working. The default Litex boot didn't enable auto negotiation, so I had to add MDIO.14:35
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davebeeI bought some magnetics and RJ45 for the 2 * Gbit PHYs, btg haven't ever wired them up.14:41
davebeeThe eventual target won't have a PHY on board.14:42
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pepijndevos[m]hello, I'm trying to run some Rust code on my ULX3S board. I'm basically revisiting but when I run litex_term nothing happens.15:36
tpbTitle: A Rust HAL for your LiteX FPGA SoC - Wishful Coding (at
pepijndevos[m]I kinda forgot how to debug this stuff15:37
pepijndevos[m]or maybe the way LiteX works just changed?15:37
pepijndevos[m]wat I just had to reboot?15:45
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_florent_pepijndevos[m]: Hello, I don't things have changed that much since your Rust HAL experimentations no16:27
pepijndevos[m]haha I just forgot you have to press reset16:28
pepijndevos[m]and did not write this down16:28
_florent_ah ok :)16:29
pepijndevos[m]Over the last couple of years more than one person mentioned having found my blogpost useful. Time for an update!16:30
pepijndevos[m]I'm planning to use it on one of these colorlight boards with ethernet16:31
_florent_pepijndevos[m]: timing is good then, since ethernet on colorlight boards has just been improved a few days ago :)17:07
_florent_pepijndevos[m]: to enable 32-bit datapath and improve timings17:07
pepijndevos[m]But you can still only use one PHY of the two right?17:08
_florent_you mean with daisy chain or two separate PHYs?17:10
_florent_on some colorlights (5A 75B V8 IIRC), the two PHYs are working17:11
_florent_on the 5A 75 V7, only one PHY is working, but the issue could be in the reversing of the IOs, it would need to be re-verified I think17:11
_florent_I don't see obvious reason why the second PHY is not working on V7 except this17:12
_florent_BTW, it seems people from LinuxCNC are also using these boards with Yosys/NextPnr/LiteX to create CNC driver boards:17:14
tpbTitle: ColorCNC Colorlight 5A-75E/5A-75B as FPGA controller board - LinuxCNC (at
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pepijndevos[m]ah I have 5A 75B V8 I think. Someone on twitter said they only support one, which seems to be confirmed by the target command line options. But yea maybe with a bit of hacking you can use both.17:31
_florent_ah yes, current target file only support one, but using two should only be a matter of duplicating things (and also of available board resources)17:45
pepijndevos[m]a ok thanks :)18:02
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swetlandcan I install litex without it dumping all its python stuff in ~/.local ?21:19
swetlandI'd like to keep it all contained together rather than filling my homedirectory with stuff21:20
* swetland learns about venv21:31
swetlandyay. python successfully contained21:41
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swetlandtidied up my VideoTextGrid hackery a bit...23:29
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