Tuesday, 2022-02-08

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_florent_jevinskie[m]: From what I remember from Avalon (MM and ST), I indeed remember scratching my head on latency issues. This is really not intuitive and and you often have to introduce stupid logic for that in the code.07:25
_florent_for ex, that's what does the subset of Avalon-ST present in LiteX: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/blob/master/litex/soc/interconnect/avalon.py#L15-L2007:26
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_florent_sajattack[m]: I still need to validate the ECP5/Artix7 Link on the Acorn Baseboard. Once done, it should be possible to produce some when components will be available...14:18
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ilia__s_florent_: do you want me to prepare this link test? should not take too long23:10

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