Sunday, 2021-12-19

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_florent_nickoe: The issue seems related to write latency calibration, you can try to disable it by commenting:
nickoe_florent_: Hmm, ok I am not sure if there was a way to change it, but I just modified the default set in class S7DDRPHY(Module, AutoCSR):  and rebuilt it, now it do seems to pass with OK.
nickoeIs that a "new feature" or is that a clear indication on something I may have misconfigured?11:35
nickoeI set the settings to what is described in  page 25 or section 2.14.4 Parameters11:46
nickoeNow ehn I try to load the demo.bin it does not appear to run.11:57
nickoebut I note this when I build it: warning: memory region `main_ram' not declared   full log:
nickoeI should be on the latest commit of litex so this "should" be included
nickoeBut something must have changed, because the old demo.bin on an sdcard fails the same way. Maybe there are more that I ened to change to run agianst the latest litex.12:16
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nickoeIs there a good way to install the symbiflow toolchain for use with litex+15:45
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_florent_nickoe: The default main_ram has been removed from the simulation, you have to explicitly enable it  (with --integrated-main-ram-size or --with-sdram)17:38
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nickoeMm, ok, _florent_,  but does it explain why it does not run on hardware?19:49
nickoeI do like this when building ./ --build --integrated-rom-size=0x10000 --with-spi-sdcard  --load --csr-csv=csr.csv19:49
nickoeWhen I add --integrated-main-ram-size 0x10000 I get: AttributeError: 'BaseSoC' object has no attribute 'sdram'. Did you mean: 'sram'?19:53
nickoei guess I should double check I can run the demo app in lxsim..20:00
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nickoeHow is it that I load the demo.bin in the simultor lxsim?  It is not mentioned here, only with lxterm,
nickoeiI can make the lx_server connecto the sim and use litex_cli to get the ident from the simulation, BUT how do l load the demo.bin then?20:33
tpbTitle: #litex on 2021-04-20 — irc logs at (at
nickoe_florent_: But it does not run for me, I just get the Liftoff!20:36
nickoethat is "litex_sim --ram-init=demo.bin"20:36
nickoeJust running litex_sim boots the bios just fine.20:39
_florent_litex_sim --integrated-main-ram-size=0x1000020:40
nickoeI am on litex commit 321b91d5 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #1134 from fjullien/efinix_titanium_support20:40
_florent_litex_bare_metal_demo --build-path=build/sim20:40
_florent_litex_sim --integrated-main-ram-size=0x10000 --ram-init=demo.bin20:40
nickoeThe last one do run20:41
nickoeSo maybe I need to migrate from --integrated-rom-size=0x10000 to --integrated-main-ram-size=0x10000  in my target?20:46
nickoe_florent_: Is that --ram-init option supposed to support a boot.json?20:47
nickoeFor me it appaers that Vsim  (verilator) crahes20:48
nickoe%Error: mem_2.init:16384: $readmem file address beyond bounds of array20:48
nickoeMm, I can't figure out why i errors with thatit not being able to find the sdram attribute ... maybe I should take a walk and get some fresh air20:58
nickoeHas this construct changed? I mean, the location of the sdram object?21:07
nickoeself.sdram.crossbar.get_port(mode="read", data_width=32, reverse=True),21:07
_florent_except adding the --integrated-main-ram-size, things haven't changed21:08
nickoeThis is my code, and as far as I can tell it does not like the self.sdram anymore there21:09
nickoemaybe caused my be not doing theese changes properly??
nickoeI can't explain why the self.sdram does not exist, but I can't really explain how it get added in the first place because of the attr magic chcecks, so it is a bit hard to navigate.21:16
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nickoeWhen I don't add the new --integrated-main-ram-size then it builds fine.. so it must be dependent on that.21:36
nickoewell, there is of couser tthe check here..  but should I just remove that check? 21:41
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nickoehmm, no it appears that sections is called a couple of time.21:45
nickoeWhen "if not self.integrated_main_ram_size and with_sdram:" is not true, hos is the add_sdram then called for the
nickoeI can't figure out how to add a brakpoint on just a function name in pycharm.22:56
nickoeoh, right, I could of course just break in the function22:56
nickoeSo it is not called.. _florent_ how is self.sdram then added in the case of "litex_sim --integrated-main-ram-size=0x10000 --ram-init=demo.bin --with-sdram"22:57
nickoemm, maybe I don't want integrated-main-ram-size at all for my setup?23:18
nickoeIs that some sdram that is insude the fpga for some models or?23:19
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mikek_DE1SOCFlorent: tnt: Great news !! I wa able to compile the script!! Let me know what you wanted for me to do next!!! 23:55
tpbTitle: Fairwaves_compile - (at
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mikek_DE1SOCBut just to clarify! I have the OLD XTRX, the first generation first generation of the card. Not sure if the FPGA is xc7a__50__tcpg236-2??? I think mine is the 35. 23:57
mikek_DE1SOCunless they only made 1 version...23:58
mikek_DE1SOCyeah the CS is the 35....23:58

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