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jevinskie[m] | It’s a good idea though! The litex peripherals would probably be pretty simple to add to qemu | 01:38 |
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sajattack[m] | my friend wants to write some way of trapping ethernet on the litex board and forwarding it out to the host pc over pcie | 05:36 |
sajattack[m] | and same for storage | 05:37 |
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jevinskie[m] | A stream multiplexer would be cool to let you use *bone and Ethernet etc over one litepcie stream | 06:36 |
sajattack[m] | yeah | 06:40 |
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keesj | buildroot is pretty good (designed) to be able to cross compile. What is the reason to run it in qemu ? | 11:01 |
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jevinskie[m] | Anybody know how to keep quartus from optimizing away my signals? /* synthesize keep */ doesn’t work and the sdc constraints for the Ethernet clock nets fail (the port name would work but I don’t want to hack that) | 22:12 |
sajattack[m] | <keesj> "buildroot is pretty good (..." <- for me it would be to check if things are hardware bugs or software bugs | 22:12 |
sajattack[m] | also is there anything special about allocating heap memory in linux-litex? This rust code is segfaulting, and more complicated rust code is giving a malloc error | 22:13 |
sajattack[m] | https://hastebin.com/uceniwicos.php | 22:13 |
tpb | Title: hastebin (at hastebin.com) | 22:13 |
jevinskie[m] | Does rust still do stack probing? | 22:13 |
sajattack[m] | maybe? | 22:14 |
sajattack[m] | dunno | 22:14 |
sajattack[m] | if I use a static str instead of a heap string it's totally fine | 22:15 |
jevinskie[m] | Unclear for riscv. https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/43241 hmm then it’s likely not that | 22:16 |
jevinskie[m] | This is a Linux binary not bare metal? | 22:17 |
jevinskie[m] | Oh then that’s just weird =\ | 22:17 |
sajattack[m] | yes it's std linux | 22:18 |
sajattack[m] | https://hastebin.com/sajifuqifa.yaml these are the errors if you think you can glean anything | 22:18 |
tpb | Title: hastebin (at hastebin.com) | 22:18 |
sajattack[m] | I'm just using -Zbuild-std flag on the riscv32gc-unknown-linux-gnu target | 22:18 |
sajattack[m] | with this linker https://github.com/riscv-software-src/riscv-gnu-toolchain | 22:19 |
jevinskie[m] | epc is program counter? 0x9 would seem to be a kernel addr no? Or is it a 3/1 GB split? | 22:19 |
jevinskie[m] | But the fault addr is page zero… | 22:20 |
jevinskie[m] | Google fu for cause 0xf is failing, I guess that needs some code spelunking and maybe riscv manual to decode -_- | 22:23 |
sorear | i think it is 3/1, look at the libc load address on the first line... | 22:23 |
jevinskie[m] | Good point! | 22:23 |
sorear | table 3.6, mcause values, "15 Store/AMO page fault" | 22:24 |
sorear | you've pretty clearly got a null pointer deref but without symbols it's hard to say more, do you have a working gdb | 22:26 |
jevinskie[m] | I’m glad we have a human encyclopedia here, thanks :) | 22:26 |
sajattack[m] | I tried to play with gdb the other day but it seems my gateware doesn't have the debug port compiled in? | 22:29 |
sajattack[m] | is there a litex flag to build that? | 22:29 |
sorear | you don't need a special gateware to run a native linux build of gdb *in* the riscv environment | 22:29 |
sajattack[m] | oh | 22:30 |
sajattack[m] | well I don't have that either | 22:30 |
sorear | you would need one for tethered debugging, but that's not very useful with linux | 22:30 |
sajattack[m] | is it easy to add gdb to the buildroot? | 22:30 |
sorear | if it isn't that should be fixed | 22:31 |
sajattack[m] | I only see binutils in the menuconfig | 22:31 |
sajattack[m] | I guess I'll try to cross-compile it | 22:32 |
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jevinskie[m] | Does buildroot binutils include gdb? Gdb source lives in the binutils git repo at least | 22:45 |
sajattack[m] | don't think so | 22:45 |
jevinskie[m] | crosstool-ng can build it for you easily :) | 22:45 |
sajattack[m] | ugh it's complaining because I don't have GMP for rv32 | 22:51 |
sajattack[m] | guess I'll give crosstool a go | 22:52 |
sajattack[m] | I installed crosstool and ctl-ng menuconfig doesn't have a riscv option | 23:02 |
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sajattack[m] | gotta run and buy coffee filters before the coffee shop closes, I'll be back in under an hour probably | 23:05 |
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jevinskie[m] | Did you enable experimental targets? It might not yet be in the packaged version in your is | 23:24 |
jevinskie[m] | https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/blob/master/config/arch/riscv.in | 23:25 |
sajattack[m] | thanks | 23:52 |
sajattack[m] | it's building now | 23:52 |
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