Saturday, 2021-09-11

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cr1901shorne: That's pretty good uptime00:39
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shornedarn, now after rebuilding linux wont boot, debug time05:02
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jevinskie[m]I hate that! Same thing here, left a litex project for a month and now I’m driving conflicting values to a signal05:34
shorneok, it boots now, I am trying to boot the rootfs off the sdcard and it doesn't seem to like that maybe, let me try something else06:32
_florent_shorne: nice for the uptime!  Sorry to hear something broke, I don't think we made changes to the gateware in the last 2-3 months that could explain this, but if you can find a commit that still works and one that no longer works, I can look at this. 06:42
_florent_jevinskie[m]: Can you give more information? On which core do you have a driving conflict?06:43
sajattack[m]I don't know what I did (probably screwed up my buildroot somehow) but opensbi reports the proper 8 core imafdc and linux (/proc/cpuinfo) reports a single ima core06:50
sajattack[m]any ideas what I broke within buildroot?06:51
sajattack[m]it's also reporting 55MB of RAM instead of 1GB06:52
jevinskie[m]Oh this was my own design, not in litex core. I’ve since fixed the issue :)07:05
jevinskie[m]One thing I can report is a build error in toolchain selection when switching from cpu-type != None to None. Was confusing at first but I know the automatic build refresh is a WIP07:07
jevinskie[m]It was a bug in my altera jtag primitive addition to It works with ftdi adapters but my main goal is to get it working with usb blaster since so many are built in (e.g. DECA w/o another serial port). The timing seems to be off since it is sensitive to clones (that are still valid JTAG, just slow/weird) and jtag clock. Hopefully this breakout adapter for my saleae probe will help me find the root cause07:24
tpbTitle: Album — Postimages (at
*** Martoni42 <Martoni42!~Martoni@2a03:d604:103:600:2ad2:44ff:fe23:2f72> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)08:14
shorne_florent_: nothing broke, I was playing with my dts and boot.json, I got it working now08:41
shornestrange thing... my boot.json loads a boot.bin, or1k-mor1kx.dtb, rootfs.cpio.gz08:42
shorneIf I removed the rootfs.cpio.gz the boot fails08:42
shorneif I add back a dummy file..  i.e.  dummy-rootfs.cpio.gz with "dummy" in the content it works08:42
shornesomething strange with the boot loader... but I got it working08:42
shorne 32-bit OpenRISC CPU with MMU integrated in a LiteX SoC08:43
shorne# free -m08:43
shorne              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available08:43
shorneMem:            248           4         230           0          12         23708:43
shorneSwap:          1907           0        190708:43
shornenow I have a lot of free memory because I am not using ram disk08:43
shorneand boot time is about 6 seconds until network service come up, no time wasted unpacking the rootfs08:45
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_florent_shorne: ok good09:42
_florent_jevinskie[m]: I'll look at the build issue with cpu_type = None, I think I also saw it this week09:43
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Melkhiorsajattack[m]: Yes I was compiling natively - and yes I cross-compiled binutils & gcc to create the native tools. I also had to copy includes & some other stuff from a buildroot intermediate directory to the micro-sd card (which I use for boot & root)18:01
MelkhiorI use a somewhat patched GCC to test stuff (e.g. )18:03
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sajattack[m]how big is the final compiler? I don't have external storage20:02
Melkhiorsajattack[m]: quite significant - too much to sensibly fit in a RAM-based filssystem. Plan B is to NFS-mount it, but you need Ethernet...21:06
MelkhiorThere's some sort of ethernet-over-pcie available from Xilinx, but I don't think there's something similar for Litex21:08
sajattack[m]yeah that's what I need21:33
sajattack[m]that or some kind of breakout for the gpio on this thing to sd card21:34
sajattack[m]or turn it into a pcie master and have it access my nvme xD21:49
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sajattack[m]<sajattack[m]> "I don't know what I did (..." <- I think this was because I didn't update my dtb22:12
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sajattack[m]is there a way to run our litex buildroot in qemu? I think it would be faster than litex sim23:21
sajattack[m]I tried this and a few different variations of the same but just got no output23:22
sajattack[m]sudo qemu-system-riscv32 -nographic -machine virt      -kernel Image -append "root=/dev/vda ro console=ttyS0"    -initrd rootfs.tar.gz23:22
sajattack[m]also with -bios opensbi.bin23:23
sajattack[m]and ttyLXU023:27
jevinskie[m]I don’t think qemu will have a tty driver for the litex console, will it? Unless you build whatever uart module QEMU emulates as well.23:48
sajattack[m]I suppose not23:49

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