Monday, 2025-02-17

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whitequark[cis]yeah in retrospect this was not well thought out09:44
whitequark[cis]I basically rewrote the entire buildsystem as a part of making it more flexible for Himbächel and had to keep so many things in mind I didn't think too much of the submodule related issues09:45
whitequark[cis]I think in the past the files from the submodule were used in tests but if you never ran the tests you would never see that it's broken without the submodule, or something like that?09:45
whitequark[cis]I moved some of the tests to the main source tree but not all; if someone submits a PR moving the GUI tests I'm happy to review it09:47
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somloone of these days I'll have to buckle down and add Himbächel support to the set of things being built in the fedora package :D14:43
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whitequark[cis]does fedora ship nextpnr-gowin?16:23
somlowhitequark[cis]: no, just generic, ecp5, and ice40 (what currently gets built when passing `-DARCH=all` to cmake)16:30
somlobut I have a personal interest in Himbächel, and want to (get back to) familiarizing myself with it...16:32
somlohere's the fedora cmake setup bits:
tpbTitle: Tree - rpms/nextpnr - (at
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