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Adrien[m] | Hi, I am hitting a cmake error for nextpnr | 13:17 |
Adrien[m] | CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:242 (add_subdirectory): | 13:18 |
Adrien[m] | add_subdirectory given source "tests/gui" which is not an existing directory. | 13:18 |
Adrien[m] | Indeed this directory does not exist (at least in source directory), and its inclusion does not depend on option BUILD_TESTS, so I guess there is an issue in CMakeLists.txt ? | 13:19 |
somlo | Adrieen[m]: either pull in the "tests" git submodule, or comment out comment out the `add_subdirectory(tests/gui)` line in CMakeLists.txt -- either of those should work | 13:41 |
Adrien[m] | OK i didn't realize is was a submodule. Good that way. Thanks ! | 13:47 |
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Adrien[m] | If I pull the tests submodule, there is another cmake error about the directory "does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file". Seems some config issue remains. | 14:23 |
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