Sunday, 2025-02-09

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Adrien[m]lxsameer: either nextpnr-xilinx (somewhat obsolete ? see link below) or the Himbaechel backend of nextpnr with xilinx microarchitecture11:17
lxsameerAdrien[m]: thank you, i tried nextpnr-xilinx but it crashes. I'll give the new one a try11:23
lxsameerAdrien[m]: so is there any already made architecture for himbaechel11:40
Adrien[m]lxsameer: Don't understand what you mead with 'already made', but here is how to compile nextpnr for this usage :12:18
Adrien[m]cmake -DARCH=himbaechel -DHIMBAECHEL_UARCH=xilinx -DHIMBAECHEL_XILINX_DEVICES="xc7z010;xc7z020" -DHIMBAECHEL_PRJXRAY_DB="/path/to/usr/share/xray/database" -DBUILD_PYTHON=OFF -DBUILD_GUI=OFF -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None -DUSE_OPENMP=ON12:19
lxsameerAdrien[m]: got it thank you12:26
lxsameerAdrien[m]: i assume after that, i don't need to pass any data about the arch to nextpnr right?12:27
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lxsameerwhere can I find more info about himbächel? 16:07
lxsameerfor example, what is the device name in the context of himbaechel? I have a artix7, using artix7 does not work, using the part id does not as well16:12
lxsameerfound the answer. it seems that the xilinx backend of himbaechel can't parse xdc commands that use `-dict`16:44
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