Sunday, 2025-01-26

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famubu[m]Do you mean this?
tpbTitle: View paste RYBQ (at
famubu[m]Does any of those entries correspond to register count?06:18
famubu[m]Previous paste had a formatting problem. This one is better:
tpbTitle: View paste IIQQ (at
famubu[m]Could it be possible that yosys chose to implement registers using LUTs instead of the registers available in the FPGA?06:27
whitequark[cis]1nextpnr-gowin should not be used, use nextpnr-himbaechel-gowin06:35
whitequark[cis]1also yosys will never implement a register in a LUT06:35
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Semisol[m]<famubu[m]> "Could it be possible that..." <- I think Gowin has LUT+FF in a single slice06:36
Semisol[m]Look at synthesis results, not nextpnr, if you want to see low-level cells and not resources06:36
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cr1901 Should this be "ramw->hierpath = ram->hierpath;", rather than "ramw->hierpath = ramw->hierpath;"?14:58
famubu[m]Thanks. It is there in yosys output. I figured techmapping would be done by nextpnr since that was the command accepting fpga name.16:34
famubu[m]Also, why is next-himbaechel preferred over nextpnr-gowin?16:34
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lofty<famubu[m]> Also, why is nextpnr-himbaechel preferred over nextpnr-gowin? <--- himbaechel is a nextpnr API which uses common code backed by an efficient data store20:54
loftyTL;DR it's more efficient for developers and users, so the old codebase is now unmaintained20:55
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