Thursday, 2025-01-23

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famubu[m]Does nextpnr report number of registers used for a design? I could find LUT counts in the report but nothing with 'register' in it. Could it be the same as the number of slices?12:40
famubu[m]I was using a Gowin FPGA.12:40
loftyat the beginning, there's a resource printout, right?13:17
loftyI think that includes DFFs?13:17
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famubu[m]Do you mean the report? I made it with nextpnr-gowin --report. The resultant json file doesn't mention DFF under utilization section.17:00
famubu[m]Other sections like 'critical path' does mention things like "DFFCE_D_Q_LUT4_F_LC" and their location but there is no count.17:01
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