Friday, 2024-09-20

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*** Adrien[m] <Adrien[m]!adrienpbma@2a01:4f8:c012:5b7:0:1:0:7e> has joined #yosys08:46
Adrien[m]Hi all, this is a question related to prjxray's tool fasm2frames... (full message at <>)08:46
Adrien[m]Anyone has an idea what could be the root cause ??08:47
Adrien[m]Tried reinstalling python and all libs and regenerating the packages etc, everything should be on sync about that (Archlinux system)... to not avail08:47
juri_Adrien[m]: your message was way too long, and did not make it to IRC.08:49
Adrien[m]ah, sorry. I'll resubmit with shorter lines.08:51
Adrien[m]So, I have a question related to prjxray's tool fasm2frames08:51
Adrien[m]The optimized fasm parser is based on some antlr4 lib that has python bindings. I would like to use it. But it fails :08:51
Adrien[m]/usr/lib/python3.12/site-packages/fasm/parser/ RuntimeWarning: Unable to import fast Antlr4 parser implementation.08:52
Adrien[m]  ImportError: cannot import name tags08:52
Adrien[m]Falling back to the much slower pure Python textX based parser implementation.08:52
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whitequark[cis]juri_: (didn't you get a link to the full message? or do you just not want to click it)08:52
whitequark[cis](I'm the provider of the bridge so if it's broken I'd like to understand how)08:52
juri_whitequark[cis]: I did, and i did not want to click away.08:53
Adrien[m](btw thank you Catherine for your archive of irc logs, super useful :-) )08:55
whitequark[cis]you're welcome!08:55
Adrien[m]Is there a bridge for #f4pga too ?08:57
whitequark[cis]no, but if the ops want me to set one up i can do that08:57
Adrien[m]So I've a submission deadline this WE for a paper where I make of the tools Yosys-nextpnr-prjxray09:03
Adrien[m]This fasm parser issue makes the tool killed because out of memory, hence importance of the optimized parser09:03
Adrien[m]I'll take any remotely useful suggestion to try to make this python tool fasm2frames condescend to load the underlying antlr4 lib !09:05
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Adrien[m]I can't find where tags is supposed to come from12:58
Adrien[m]Need to setup swap space on disk to run the supposedly signoff tool fasm2frames...12:58
Adrien[m]How ridiculous :D12:59
gatecatyeah, prjxray is a bit of a mess, to say the least13:04
gatecatI don't know quite how they managed to make fasm parsing the least efficient step of the process13:04
gatecati don't know how much any of this is being actively worked on anymore, either, unfortunately13:05
gatecatmaybe there's a better trick to generating bitstreams that I never figured out, idk13:05
Adrien[m]and this looks soooOoOooo promising13:05
Adrien[m]Replace slow implementation with single-header, plain c++ version13:05
Adrien[m]To completely remove the dependency fasm in fasm2frames13:07
Adrien[m]I can pay to see it happen13:07
Adrien[m]With homemade blackberry jam (or else to taste)13:08
*** Martoni <Martoni!~FabM@2a03:d604:108:3f00:493f:31b2:3ae:4ec5> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)16:03
juri_Adrien[m]: did that get you working?17:32
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tntIs there a list of the cells like \$_DLATCH_P_ that you can map ?  Trying to write a tech map for the iHP PDK cells ...19:03
tntYosys (or abc, whoever does the map) never maps to cells with multiple output right ? So cells with Q & QN outputs are useless ?19:08
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