Tuesday, 2024-08-20

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Adrien[m]Yes it does. when run without -wideluts.05:36
Adrien[m]This `mux8` error is weird, I will look at the netlist.05:36
loftywell, the error you posted was that it couldn't place a cell named "mux8"05:47
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Adrien[m]Debugging a bit, the cell type is `SELMUX2_1`08:41
Adrien[m]I'm not sure what behaviour to expect from nextpnr, is it supposed to decide to place this in a LUT or in a MUXF location ?08:41
loftyAdrien[m]: uuuh, I think this is where you have to show your source verilog, because that's not a valid cell08:42
Adrien[m]Yes. Need to reduce the design to something reproducer-friendly then.08:45
Adrien[m]Interestingly, nextpnr-xilinx does handle this design.08:45
loftyokay, it apparently *is* a valid bel type, but hmm08:49
Adrien[m]And I find no occurrence of selmux in input json !08:50
Adrien[m]From the nextpnr-hibaechel log :... (full message at <https://catircservices.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/catircservices.org/TPDvTLLAzyRNgUAKnfhsVShr>)08:52
Adrien[m]I'll reduce the design to something smaller08:55
Adrien[m]maybe just a mux 8->1 is enough08:55
Adrien[m]Had to do a mux 31->1 to ensure yosys generates a muxf7.... (full message at <https://catircservices.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/catircservices.org/aoqVEbTJfBVlsQzvUZlynAxq>)09:47
Adrien[m]yosys -p "synth_xilinx -arch xc7 -top zedboard_top_mux; write_json zedboard_top_mux.json" zedboard_top_mux.v09:48
Adrien[m]nextpnr-himbaechel --device xc7z020clg484-1 -o xdc=zedboard.xdc --json zedboard_top_mux.json -o fasm=zedboard_top_mux.fasm --router router109:50
Adrien[m]The xdc file : https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/prostboa/zynq-foss/-/raw/main/xdc/zedboard.xdc?ref_type=heads09:51
Adrien[m]If tracking of this is pertinent given development status, I can open an issue, please just say.09:55
Adrien[m]BTW I think this is also a Yosys sub-optimality09:57
Adrien[m]For a mux 8->1 it generates 3 LUTs, instead of 2 LUT6 + 1 muxf709:57
Adrien[m]Does this deserve to open an issue for yosys ?09:57
loftyAdrien[m]: what if you synth with -abc910:05
loftyyou want -widemux 8 to infer that10:07
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Adrien[m]lofty: most impactful option is indeed -widemux. not -abc9 for this topic.12:26
loftyBecause -widemux does exactly what you ask for here, but it does come with headaches12:27
Adrien[m]ok good to know12:36
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aggbit of a long shot, but i'm using an ecp5 MULT18X18D with input and pipeline registers enabled and both SIGNEDIA/SIGNEDIB inputs hardwired to 1, and it seems to not sign-extend the first multiplication after a reset17:13
agg(with latest yosys/nextpnr-ecp5)17:13
agganyone have... any ideas17:13
aggi haven't tried this on diamond so not entirely sure if it's specifically yosys/nextpnr or some cursed hardware thing though17:14
whitequark[cis]that's really cursed17:24
aggyea :( you can imagine it took a while it discover this was precisely what's going wrong too17:25
aggif i turn off the MULT18X18D's input registers and replace them with my own input registers instead, everything seems to work fine...17:34
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whitequark[cis]i wonder if there's a secret SIGNEDA reset register17:56
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