Friday, 2024-08-09

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juri_bjorkintosh: about 70 euros.02:12
bjorkintoshoh that's cheap. I thought it was a MisterFPGA02:13
juri_doesn't the mister use a de10?02:17
bjorkintoshI don't know. I thought they were pretty much the same thing.02:19
bjorkintoshI have lattices.02:19
bjorkintoshthe kind which accompanies this book:
tpbTitle: Getting Started With FPGAs - Book for Beginners in VHDL, Verilog, and FPGAs - Nandland (at
juri_I have latices, alteras, xilinxes, and a few other random ones. now, to actually make things with them.02:21
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famubu[m]Can xdc and sdc file used for specifying constraints for open source tool chains? Or is it vivado/quartus only?12:40
famubu[m]Saw some cst files for gowin stuff.12:40
loftyfamubu[m]: yes, generally architectures try to match the same constraint format as the proprietary tooling13:22
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