Wednesday, 2024-07-10

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juri_is there someone that is a lead on ECP5 support? I just got the official ECP5 development board from lattice, and a license to lattice diamond... specifically to make sure yosys coverage of this board is 100% complete.12:17
tntAFAIK ECP5 support is pretty complete except for the DSPs. (They have some support but not complete with all alu modes and such).  But most of the work would be on nextpnr and not yosys.12:37
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juri_right. I'll be trying to use the DSPs, so.. :D13:15
juri_(i am trying to port an LLM to my FPGAs. :) )13:16
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somlojuri_: FWIW, I'd recommend keeping an eye out for the lambdaconcept ecpix5:
tpbTitle: ECPIX-5 (at
somloif/when they have it in stock, it's nicer than anything I've been able to buy from Lattice directly :)18:49
juri_I'm waiting for . :D19:00
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