Saturday, 2024-06-22

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lethalbityes, 00:10
lethalbitwell, some of them, afaik00:10
lethalbit`nextpnr-machxo2 --list-devices` has a collection of MXO3 devices 00:10
lethalbitphiltor, ^00:11
philtorHmm... I don't see any MXO3 devices listed there04:23
lethalbitare you using the oss-cad-suite build?04:23
lethalbitI /think/ they shut off the machxo3 devices when building nextpnr 04:24
lethalbitas they're not well, stable, or tested well, afaik04:24
lethalbitif you build it from source then they're there (or use the nextpnr-machxo2-nightly AUR package on arch)04:24
philtoryep, I'm using oss-cad-suite04:25
lethalbitah yeah, then I don't think you're gonna get any MXO3 devices built in04:26
philtorI see. So you've gotta build from the latest source to get them04:26
lethalbitI run all the tools bleeding-edge nightly from git (for better or worse) so It took me a sec to remember that they'd be disabled in the pre-build binaries by default, sorry about that04:27
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whitequark[cis]heh, i don't waste time building machxo315:00
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