Thursday, 2024-06-20

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philtorwhen running synth_lattice for machX03 I see the following results: Number of cells: 190, CCU2D 14, LUT4 113, TRELLIS_FF 63 (those last 3 add up to 190) - what is CCU2D in this context?17:28
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loftyphiltor: a two-LUT4 SLICE in carry chain mode18:21
loftyThe ECP5 has the CCU2C, but the C and D have inverted carry senses18:22
philtorWould I expect to see much difference between diamond synth results and yosys synth results?18:24
loftyYosys is usually worse, but not that much worse. Easiest way to check is to just try building it with diamond.18:25
philtor(just trying to reassure coworker that yosys should be fine to use for a small machx03 design - ultimately in the 2100 LUT part)18:25
philtorYeah, then I have to fire up diamond and figure out how to use it ;-)18:25
loftyphiltor: the machxo defaults focus more heavily on area than for ecp5; if there's a complaint about speed, there's plenty of headroom available18:27
philtorspeed shouldn't be an issue for this project. Area is at a premium18:28
philtorThere's nothing going at faster than 60Mhz here18:29
lofty... Yeah, well, you might be a little surprised how much some features help18:33
so-offishHi everyone, I'm interested in using the Surelog->UHDM->Yosys flow to do more complete formal methods. 18:35
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titanHi. Does anyone manage to encode all fsm into bianry rather than one-hot?22:30
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