Thursday, 2024-05-23

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Miyu-sakiIs there a way to enable like a strict mode since I keep accidentally assigning to registers, amongst other mistakes xd16:38
loftyMiyu-saki: it's called verilator :p17:23
whitequark[cis]or "not using verilog"17:37
Miyu-sakiOohh, I actually forgot about verilator. I've been using cxxrtl and since forgot that verilator does other things also.17:46
Miyu-sakiAs for not using verilog, what's a typical non-Verilog workflow that people use?17:46
tpbTitle: Introduction — Amaranth language & toolchain 0.5.0.dev304 documentation (at
Miyu-sakiI know there's that Python one and that Scala(?) one and that one which looks like Rust, but I'm not too familiar with them, nor how they'd interop17:47
tpbTitle: Play with Amaranth HDL! (at
whitequark[cis]there's quite a few; Amaranth integrates with Yosys the closest (and soon with CXXRTL)17:48
Miyu-sakiThanks. :) I'll give it a try. Is it possible to import Amaranth(or well, the output) into a Verilog toplevel?17:52
Miyu-sakiAh sorry, I guess this one works:
tpbTitle: Getting started — Amaranth language & toolchain 0.5.0.dev304 documentation (at
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Guest7what is yosys' policy on the initial values of registers with no initial value defined in verilog? (just something like "reg [10:0] foo;")18:19
Guest7from experimenting with it, it seems to assume it can be initialized to any value, usually it will be 0, unless the optimizer sees opportunities18:20
Guest7I'm targeting ECP5 and can see that it generates TRELLIS_FF elements with REGSET values depending on the verilog init value18:34
Guest7while we're at it, does anyone know how initialization/reset is supposed to work at all (with ECP5)? is there possibly an exemplary open source project using yosys that shows how it's done?18:36
whitequark[cis]Guest7: yes, 'x means the optimizer can do whatever it wants with the value18:37
Guest7nice, very simple18:39
Guest7someone somewhere claimed they were initialized by 0 by yosys, apparently that was wrong18:39
whitequark[cis]re: ECP5, you could look at, which should cover nearly every Lattice FPGA18:39
Guest7thanks, I'll check what verilog code it generates18:41
Guest7what was this about Lattice tools ignoring register init values? is that still the case? for ECP5?18:41
Guest7I saw some old posts that were sure about Lattice ignoring init values, but this could have been about ice only18:42
loftyGuest7: that's ice only, AFAIK18:51
loftybecause of the different tooling used18:51
Guest7thought so18:52
loftyiCE40 registers initialise to zero18:52
loftyECP5 registers initialise to the reset value18:52
lofty<lofty> iCE40 registers initialise to zero <-- I think this is because the SiliconBlue engineers were ex-Altera, and Altera FPGAs also initialise to zero18:53
Guest7the evil part is that the ice toolchain apparently ignores the verilog init values completely (no error or anything)18:54
loftyfortunately, we don't. though, if you ever decide to run synthesis with `-dff`, then for mapping reasons as many flops as possible will be converted to initialise to zero18:55
Guest7is there a mode that initializes registers to random values, like verilator?19:05
whitequark[cis]not explicitly but you could do it yourself19:08
whitequark[cis]setattr -set init 0 w:* or something like that in your Yosys script19:08
whitequark[cis]re: iCE40 registers, this is not visible in the toolchain19:09
whitequark[cis]Yosys adds an inverter before and after the register to simulate initializing to 119:09
whitequark[cis]also, iCE40 isn't a Lattice FPGA; it's a SiliconBlue FPGA that was bought by Lattice19:09
Guest7yeah I read the issue where wolf added support for ice reg init like that19:12
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bjorkint0shSiliconBlue. that explains that.19:32
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