Wednesday, 2024-04-24

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philtorI'm just getting started with an OrangeCrab board, I ran through the directions in their examples and got to the point where you run 'make' in the blink directory and get:00:09
philtor2.42.16.5. Executing ABC9.00:10
philtorRunning ABC command: "<yosys-exe-dir>/yosys-abc" -s -f <abc-temp-dir>/abc.script 2>&100:10
philtorABC: sh: 1: <yosys-exe-dir>/yosys-abc: Permission denied00:10
philtorERROR: ABC: execution of command ""/mnt/nas/phil/tools/oss-cad-suite/lib/yosys-abc" -s -f /tmp/yosys-abc-u97QgE/abc.script 2>&1" failed: return code 126.00:10
philtormake: *** [Makefile:40: blink.json] Error 100:10
philtorit seems weird that it's trying to execute yosys-abc from the lib directory, as I can't find where that's happening in their Makefile I'm assuming yosys itself is calling this?00:11
philtoryep, seems to be the case. If I run this: $ yosys -p "read_verilog blink.v; synth_ecp5 -json blink.json"00:17
philtorI get the same result.00:17
philtor(turns out that lib/yosys-abc is an empty file - trying to untar the archive again...)00:32
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lofty<philtor> Does yosys look for either a .pcf or .ccf? <-- neither00:47
loftythat's handled by place-and-route00:47
loftybut I suspect the actual file format varies by tooling; certainly it varies for different nextpnr architectures00:47
philtorOh, ok, so since they don't use nextpnr their p&r apparently looks for a file with a .ccf suffix.01:02
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