Wednesday, 2023-10-18

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ikskuhheya o/12:17
ikskuhhow good is the support for the lattice CrossLink-NX devices right now?12:18
loftyikskuh: google tried using it for a thing, but then cancelled the project it was for (because google); otherwise, it's not been used much in the real world12:20
ikskuhi want to do some CVBS capturing and forward the picture as "raw" as possible to a rpi like device 12:23
ikskuhcurrent plan was using mipi and crosslink-nx has mipi support12:24
loftyCould you not achieve it with an ECP5?12:29
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ikskuhprobably, yes12:30
ikskuhbut i was kinda oogling with the QFN package :D12:30
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ikskuhbut i'm still just exploring the idea space. i found a project that basically does everything perfectly already12:36
tpbTitle: Composite Video (CVBS) to MIPI CSI-2 Bridge ยท Antmicro Hardware Portal (at
ikskuhbut i found another chip that supports up to 10 inputs which is really tempting12:36
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ikskuhis there a community where i can ask for help with a FPGA design? i guess this channel is mainly for yosys development, not hardware design :)14:24
lofty##fpga maybe14:28
ikskuhlet's see :)14:38
jnikskuh: and also HDL-specific channels like #amaranth-lang14:44
ikskuhnot hdl-specific right now :)14:44
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