Thursday, 2023-04-06

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datenwolfAnyone else going to Easterhegg?13:32
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so-offishWhat is Easterhegg?16:20
xiretza[m]a relatively small yearly Chaos Communication Club event, this year it's in Hamburg16:31
xiretza[m]err, Chaos Computer Club, and it's decidedly smaller than the Chaos Communication Congress around christmas16:32
so-offishOh nice17:08
so-offishIn my dreams when I find a job in Germany I could just pop over. 17:09
ikskuheasterhegg is a good topic. anyone coming to revision? :D17:51
datenwolfikskuh: I'd love to. However until we're done here with our clinical study, I'm coordinating my vacations with my colleagues, so that we have the best chance on getting as many patients into our dataset as possible. And that means that I'm on-call for surgeries. *sigh*18:08
datenwolfTravel to Saarbrücken would involve some extra days off, so I'm happy about an event very local to me :-)18:10
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so-offishDoes Yosys have an issue compiling with MSYS2 right now?22:41
so-offishFor anybody else?22:41

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