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dormito | re: nextpnr-nexus and prjoxide: does nextpnr make use of the the prjoxid binaries, or just the database files? | 18:07 |
gatecat | the prjoxide binary is needed at build time only | 18:09 |
gatecat | however, if you want to get a design onto a chip, you'll also need it as a separate step (i.e. not called or linked into nextpnr) to convert the fasm that nextpnr produces into a binary bitstream | 18:09 |
dormito | nextpntr (|& prjoxid) build time right? | 18:09 |
gatecat | the prjoxide binary is needed at nextpnr build time | 18:09 |
gatecat | to build the database for nextpnr | 18:10 |
dormito | hmmm. ok thanks. | 18:10 |
dormito | btw: gatecat you the original author of prjoxide right? do you know if anyone is interested in supported for avant-e (obviously when the hw is available. the dev board is still "contact sales", lol)? | 18:13 |
gatecat | maybe... | 18:13 |
gatecat | from an initial look over the last few days it would require a certain amount of changes throughout (some bitstream changes, more config in "register space" than "bitstream space", slice structure changes etc) that have to be balanced against how interesting the chips actually are against e.g. just putting effort into xilinx or intel | 18:14 |
gatecat | I don't expect these parts to be cheap | 18:14 |
dormito | completely guessing from the CertusPro-NX versa board, and the relative price/complexity. My (very limted exp) guess would be 1-2K for the eval board on their site. which is rather pricy for a lattice dev board. | 18:18 |
gatecat | agreed, unfortunately | 18:21 |
gatecat | and probably $1k ish for the 500k chip in single qty too tbh | 18:21 |
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bjonnh[m] | Did anybody manage to get the DSP working on an ECP5? | 19:06 |
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