Monday, 2022-06-13

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ikskuhheya o/11:06
ikskuhstill hacking around with yosys/verilog and i'm wondering: how can i include a initialization for a ROM?11:06
ikskuhshould i just add a huge case() with all options? that doesn't really sound smort11:07
tntgoogle $readmemh11:08
ikskuhthx  :)11:08
ikskuhi kinda assumed readmemh would only run during simulation11:09
ikskuhand not for synthesis11:09
tntit works in synthesis (as long as it's done in a `initial` block of course, can't start doing it "dynamically" ...)11:10
ikskuhwell, that's obvious :D11:10
ikskuhbut perfect, thanks :)11:11
ikskuhfont rom, here i come!11:11
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