Sunday, 2022-01-09

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sagar_acharyaHello folks. I was trying to understand rv32 picosoc12:26
sagar_acharyahx8k demo. I have Olimex HX8K board which is different from the starter board for which this is made.12:27
sagar_acharya*Breakout Board12:27
sagar_acharyaWhat would I have to do different for Olimex Board?12:28
sagar_acharyaCan people listen to me?12:31
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ikskuhheya sagar_acharya o/12:48
ikskuhi guess you have to adjust some pins? i don't know both of these boards, but they both have an ICE40, right?12:49
sagar_acharyaI'll manage pcf.12:53
sagar_acharyaThat's it, everything else stays same?12:53
ikskuhi guess so? maybe you need to adjust to different clock sources12:54
ikskuhfor that you have to look up the schematic12:54
sagar_acharyaok. I don't understand soc. I understand rv32 though.12:55
sagar_acharyaSo can I use C code on it?12:55
sagar_acharyaWith soc. I'm trying to create basic shell with ps2 keyboard, vga, character encoding and rv32 core for running programs12:56
sagar_acharyabreakout board has 12MHz oscillator and olimex board has 100MHz. Keeping clock same should be fine right12:58
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ikskuhah, so you're a beginner when it comes to hw dev?13:09
sagar_acharyaI know some basics though.13:11
tntI seriously doubt the hx8k is going to run the picorv32 at 100 MHz, you'll need to PLL that down.13:12
sagar_acharyaWhere is the clock signal, I just see input clk13:13
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sagar_acharyaor is clk a keyword.13:14
tnt??? well yeah, 'clk' is the clock signal ....13:14
tntit's not a keyword, it's just a random name.13:15
tntbut that's linked with the pcf to a specific pin of the fpga where the board inputs a clock signal.13:15
sagar_acharyaAah ok13:15
sagar_acharyaThat makes sense now13:15
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ikskuhwhat's the way-to-go to figure out of an addition overflowed?17:58
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tntjust extend the signals by 1 bit before addition.18:01
ikskuhah, perfec18:02
ikskuhassign {carry, res} = { 1'b0, a } + { 1'b0, b }; ?18:02
tntyeah, for unsigned addition at least.18:02
ikskuhoh right, for signed i have to do sign extension, right?18:03
tntwell, not for just checking for overflow IIRC, but the condition is different, tbh I don't remember like that, you'd need to go through the various cases on paper and see how it works out.18:05
ikskuhdang. i knew putting carry in was a bad idea ^^18:06
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