Sunday, 2021-08-29

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Guest98folks, I wanted to create something like shell on FPGA. There is some term like character generator which is used to create characters10:35
Guest98So I input k from keyboard and character generator takes this character and supposedly puts it on vga screen10:35
Guest98Can someone name that term? Is it 'character generator'?10:35
Guest98Someone also gave me a repo which he/she had coded in vhdl, gitlab repo.10:35
xiretza[m]you will probably want a text buffer that contains code points (one for each character position on screen), a font that maps code points to pixel values, and something that builds scan lines by combining the code point from the text buffer with the pixel data from the font10:52
Guest98I found this. Thanks. Can I work with vhdl and verilog both in symbiflow?10:54
Guest98Since above code is in vhdl. I work with verilog for yosys -> nextpnr -> icestorm toolchain.10:55
xiretza[m]you can use GHDL to feed VHDL into yosys10:56
gatecat might also be interesting to you10:57
xiretza[m]oh damn, fancy10:57
Guest98fantastic. Thanks a ton gatecat. On top of that it's GPLv3 licensed! Wow!10:59
Guest98Can I take this code and license a derivative code with AGPLv3?11:02
Guest98Or must I have GPLv3?11:02
gatecatneither a lawyer nor the author of that code, but aiui the legal situation of copyleft licenses in respect of gateware is very unclear in any event11:07
Guest98found this
tpbTitle: licensing - Can a user relicense LGPL as GPL or GPL as AGPL? - Software Engineering Stack Exchange (at
tntGuest98: yes, resulting derived work would be agpl.11:08
Guest98thanks tnt :)11:09
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