Tuesday, 2021-08-24

*** tpb <tpb!~supybot@underwood.mithis.com> has joined #yosys00:00
corecodei think there is an optimization missing that will merge the arithmetic and mux?00:16
corecodeit's odd tho00:16
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corecodedoes it work with a generic synthesis?00:17
corecodeah no, that's not it00:19
corecodeuh this is a tricky clever problem00:19
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piegamesFormal question here: I know that the solver will try to reach every `cover` statement one at a time, independently. Is there a way to make this a "search for all combinations"?12:56
piegamesBecause I want to cover different operations, but I also want that any of these operations can work with pipeline backpressurce & other corner cases12:57
mwknot that I know of; best you can do is to use generate-for to make writing all the combinations less tedious I guess13:10
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