Friday, 2022-02-04

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lkclah that's interesting.  using the latest master branch of vtr i am no longer seeing the vtr segfault which stopped the IBM-India OpenPOWER sponsored education course participants from using symbiflow.  8.1.0-dev+d15ed677414:47
lkclthat's good news, i can let them know.  always a bit iffy using latest master but we can cope with that :)14:47
lkcl5-LUT               :   4394014:49
lkclMUXF6               :   1009514:49
lkclwoo, that's 75% utilisation of an arty-a7-100t14:49
lkclurr what's this all about?14:58
lkclCould not place macro length 32 with head block $auto$$162514.genblk1.slice[0].genblk1.carry4 (#1091); not enough free locations of type(s) {BLK-TL-CLBLL_L, BLK-TL-CLBLL_R, BLK-TL-CLBLM_L, BLK-TL-CLBLM_R}.14:58
* lkcl will take a copy of everything but re-initialise with a new build14:59
lkclPlease manually size the FPGA because VPR can't do this yet.16:18
lkcldoes anyone know what that's about?16:19
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