Friday, 2022-01-21

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sf-slack<timo.callahan> bl0x_: with the cmod a7, did you just run ` ./ --build --load` ?   Everything works for me except it doesn't put the bitstream on the board.   If I manually put the bitstream on the board with openocd, it works.04:07
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> bl0x_: I found some missing stuff in the cmod a7 platform and target board files, and added the missing stuff (copying from Arty A7), and it now works for me.    I'll send a PR if nobody else is working on this?04:31
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> My PR is merged on litex-boards --
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bl0x_timo.callahan: thanks, I'll take a look. The default toolchain is Vivado, though, right? Did you try with symbiflow?15:07
bl0x_timo.callahan: I made an issue on symbiflow-examples
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> bl0x_:  The SymbiFlow build with default 48MHz works perfectly for me.   I did need to kill my Chrome to have enough free memory.  It also worked at 80MHz.20:53
sf-slack<timo.callahan> ./ --toolchain=symbiflow --build --load --sys-clk-freq=8000000020:54
sf-slack<timo.callahan> lxterm --speed 115200 /dev/ttyUSB120:54
bl0x_timo.callahan: Thanks for trying that out. I wasn't putting the bitstream on the flash, only loading into the FPGA. ... Could you upload your generated bitstream somewhere, so that I can try it on my board?22:15
sf-slack<timo.callahan> Same here, I wasn't flashing.   I'll upload the bitstream here if possible(?)22:16
bl0x_I'm not on slack.22:17
sf-slack<timo.callahan> I'll try on IRC22:18
bl0x_or you can upload here:
tpbTitle: GSI Seafile Cloud Storage (at
sf-slack<timo.callahan> done22:20
bl0x_ugh, it works. ... why can't I make such beautiful things? something is wrong with my setup.22:22
sf-slack<timo.callahan> Potentially I have a more recent version of SymbiFlow?   I don't know of any recent updates though.22:23
bl0x_I installed it a week ago max22:24
bl0x_Following the instructions on the symbiflow-examples documentation22:24
sf-slack<timo.callahan> Using the Symbiflow-examples repo instructions, or something -.....  yeah :)22:24
sf-slack<timo.callahan> Later I can try doing a build using my symbiflow-examples install22:25
bl0x_Ah, what did you use for the build you uploaded?22:28
sf-slack<timo.callahan> CFU Playground has its own optional install of Symbiflow so I used that (, but I based it off of symbiflow-examples, so it shouldn't be significantly different.   Oh, although the environment and requirements files *don't* pin versions there, so I might be using slightly more recent versions of some things?   See the files in conf/ in CFU Playground.22:30
bl0x_I'll take a look around =)22:31
bl0x_Yes, you don't pin as many packages to a specific version. Is it straightforward to try out CFU-playground for this?22:37
bl0x_Let me run through the setup guide ^^22:38
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> I don't think you even need to do the ./scripts/setup script.   Just load the submodules "git submodule update --init"23:17
sf-slack<timo.callahan> Then in the repo root, "make install-sf" then "make enter-sf"23:17
sf-slack<timo.callahan> My symbiflow-examples installation is almost a year old so I will reinstall it.23:18
bl0x_meh, enter-sf did not play well with the bashrc on the machine, so I only ran the 'source .. activate'. I noticed that for some reason litex_boards was at an old commit, so pulled manually. Then I did the build in litex_boards/target/ ... et voila: whatever is built works on the CMOD A7. I'm amazed!23:29
sf-slack<timo.callahan> Ah great!     Maybe litex-boards was the issue all along?23:35
bl0x_No, litex-boards I had up to date. I made a comparison of the versions in the open issue:
bl0x_Yosys has seen quite some updates since 0.9 wrt Xilinx23:48

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