Tuesday, 2022-01-18

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sf-slack<kgugala> @bl0x_ did the desing meet timings?08:18
bl0x_kgugala: Still trying to figure out, but report_timing*.rpt tells slack(MET) for all reported paths. Anything else I should grep for in the output?10:26
sf-slack<acomodi> @bl0x_ Can you please open a GH issue on symbiflow-examples with instructions on how to reproduce the same results you are seeing, alongside with the various versions of the tools and of the symbiflow arches?10:34
bl0x_@acomodi, will do. thx.10:36
sf-slack<acomodi> @bl0x_: for reference, I am trying the latest linux-on-litex-vexriscv with the latest symbiflow packages. From the arty board config (https://github.com/litex-hub/linux-on-litex-vexriscv/blob/master/make.py#L72) I have removed some of the soc capabilities as some of them are not yet supported/tested: spiflash, sdcard, spi, i2c, xadc and icap_bitstream10:47
sf-slack<acomodi> And also tried to reduce the clock frequency to 75 MHz by adding the following `soc_kwargs = {"sys_clk_freq": int(75e6)}`10:47
sf-slack<acomodi> Ah, I misread the board name though and I am currently testing this for the arty 35t, and I just verified that Linux is booting correctly11:04
bl0x_@acomodi I've tried with the default clock frequency of 48e6 that's used in the cmod_a7. I understand that the arty boards have seen much more testing than the cmod.11:11
bl0x_Also I've tried both vexriscv and femtorv quark. Same result. Vexriscv appears to be the standard/reference here, though? 11:12
sf-slack<acomodi> So, for a 48 MHz clock timing should be easily met, and I think that either CPU variant should be fine (if it works on Vivado as well). There might be a missing configuration of some IOs done by symbiflow, but it is hard to tell at the moment11:27
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> bl0x_: I have a cmod A7 35T on order, so I might be able to help cross-check when it arrives.23:48
sf-slack<timo.callahan> Different topic: my understanding is that the Xilinx XADC is supported in prjxray, symbiflow-arch-defs, and yosys, but not vtr --- is that accurate?23:50

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