Monday, 2021-12-20

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*** tristanC_ is now known as tristanC14:45
nickoeDoes symbiflow (prjxray) support xc7a35t-csg324-1?15:33
sf-slack<kgugala> yes, this is the part used on Arty15:34
sf-slack<kgugala> we have quite a few examples targeting this boards15:34
sf-slack<kgugala> *board15:34
nickoeOk, it was just because I tried to build wtih the symbiflow toolchain in litex and in litex there is a mapping where this is not part of15:36
nickoelet me find it again15:36
nickoeAnd also the sxection fuirther down?
sf-slack<kgugala> xc35t and xc50t are the same chips15:42
nickoeCurrently I have defined the chip  in my platform description as "xc7a35t-csg324-1"15:43
nickoeAnd I am not really too familiar with the naming to really understand if somthing is compatible synbiflow wise or otherwise ..15:44
nickoeShould I just add "xc7a35t-csg324-1" : "xc7a50t_test", to the dict for symbiflow-device?15:46
sf-slack<kgugala> yep, you can15:46
sf-slack<kgugala> or simply use xc7a35ticsg324-1L15:46
nickoedoes the i vs dash mean anything, and the L?15:48
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sf-slack<kgugala> check this (slide 6)15:58
nickoeOhh, well, ERROR: Cell port mars_ax3.BbFilterAXI.o_tvalid is driving constant bits: 1'0 <= \BbFilterAXI.o_tvalid      still some way to go for symbiflow, but I gues I need to re-fixup the build with vivado ebfore I try to compare with symbiflow again. At least I can easily test it now.15:59
nickoekgugala thank you for the link16:00
nickoeI made this workaround for now,
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