Wednesday, 2021-12-15

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sf-slack<mkurc> mithro: As for the change in CMT tile bit diffs it may indicate an instability in the PLL fuzzer.08:35
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gatecatmithro: that looks really interesting, thanks15:58
gatecatat a glance, I think there are some things there that could probably be picked as fairly easy improvements on nextpnr's current placement approach15:58
mithroFor non-commercial usage of this open-source project, users should comply the Apache License attached below.15:59
mithroFor commercial usage of this open-source project, users must contact authors (Wei ZHANG, [email protected]; Tingyuan LIANG, [email protected]) for authorization.15:59
gatecat*quiet sigh*16:00
gatecatit's unlikely I'd actually use any code anyway16:00
gatecatusually it's the algorithm that actually matters16:00
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sf-slack<timo.callahan> gatecat: thanks!   I'm sure the direct access will be a lot faster than the re.match code I was using.21:01

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