Sunday, 2021-12-05

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sf-slack<unai.martinezcorral> With regard to Reusable Workflows and Composite Actions, I gathered some references and notes in @kgugala @pzierhoffer those are the readable notes corresponding to the Actions and Workflows used in The content pyTooling/Actions is basically a rewrite of some complex CI pipelines that we were using in some repos already (in01:51
sf-slackVHDL/pyVHDLModel and EDAA). Therefore, the complete pipeline is quite opinionated. However, it is composed by more than 10 reusable workflows, so some of them might be useful in SymbiFlow/Actions. Still, we need to look at how to combine the reusable workflows with @mithro’s include processor.01:51
sf-slack<unai.martinezcorral> On a different topic, I created 20+ Gource videos showing the last 5-20 years of development of ~300 repos of some open source EDA ecosystem(s): • Artifacts: • Sources:
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i_need_helpis ecp5-5g supported by symbiflow toolchain?14:26
i_need_helpthis chip to be exact: LFE5UM5G-85F14:27
i_need_helpbeacuse i found one of those simple boards produced by lattice and i would like to start developing14:28
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i_need_helphow much is supported from the chip to this day? I heard that the 5g part which are some high speed tranceivers inside it were not(the things called SERDES))14:30
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zypas far as I know, all variants of ecp5 are fully supported14:30
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zypand I also believe the 5G parts are just regular parts that are binned and overvolted to 1.2V14:31
i_need_helpi forgot to tell the world that i am a noob. is there a deb package for ubuntu that can install everything needed to start developing?14:32
zypI don't use ubuntu, so I don't have a definite answer on that one14:33
tntThe serdes are supported.14:35
tntHowever there is no easy wizard like in diamond. You have the raw hardware block with its 100 settings or so to configure yourself and most of them are not documented because usually diamond configures them for you ..14:36
tntbut if you know what you're doing, it'll generate a bitstream that works.14:36
zypI did a quick google search and couldn't find any updated PPAs with yosys and nextpnr, so you might have to build it yourself14:37
i_need_helpthank you for the info tnt but the idea is to not use diamond and other proprietary tools at all like the ice40 and icestudio under ubuntu.. what can be done with the chip? can you build hdmi display controllers, small 3d gpus and other things that could occupy my life till old age?14:37
tntI've been playing with the ice40 for years now and I'm still not done exploring all I want to do with it.  And the ECP5 85F is like 20x larger so if you want to, it can probably provides decades of stuff to play with ...14:40
i_need_helpthank you zyp would be anyone on this channel skillful enough to guide me thorough the process when time needed? I mean the idea is to make the kit and put it somewere that everybody can access it so no one else will be needed to pass thorough the ordeal. I have not bought the board yet. So would i have the human support to accomplish that after14:44
i_need_helpthe money are spent?14:44
tntThere are usually people willing to answer question in here or in ##openfpga or the yosys channel ... howeve there are also times when nobody has the time to answer or nobody has any answers to what's wrong ... If you want guaranteed timely technical support you'd have to pay for it ...14:47
i_need_helpi am thinking of a kickstarter for something like that in the future. But in general for now the support seems to exist even if i will need to work on 3 different channels. I will buy the board in this case. Thank you for now.14:51
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