Saturday, 2021-11-13

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sf-slack<fahrenkrog> @tmichalak, @torsten.reuschel The register is set to 0x1F, but from the datasheet (UG470) I can't make sense why that value is set (image attached). My guess is the values should be set either to 0x0B, 0x3B or 0x6B (single fast, dual fast, quad fast). Also, from the register definition (also attached) my guess is bits 8-9 should be set to either b01 or02:43
sf-slackb10, SPI buswidth 2 and 4 maybe? I could not find any more information about both those bits. Is it worth a try to re-compile prjxray with these values changed and see what happens? I might give that a try later on in the week. Cheers02:43
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