Friday, 2021-09-03

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*** CarlosEDP <CarlosEDP!~carlosedp@2001:470:69fc:105::218e> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)08:22
sf-slack1<pepermont> @acomodi I have experimented with FASM2BELs a bit and I made the following observations: About --bit_file, when I use it without giving a FASM file I get an error that the fasm file is necessary. If I give both a bitstream and a FASM I get errors again `CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args, subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'None --part_file..`08:28
sf-slack1<pepermont> If I just give a FASM it works08:28
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sf-slack1<acomodi> Hmm, possibly you might need to give as input also `--bitread <path-to-bitread>` in case you want to only use the bit_file08:47
sf-slack1<acomodi> bitread is a tool that you can build from
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sf-slack1<pepermont> @acomodi it is the one that outputs the .frames file, right ? If thats the case I still get the same errors09:12
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sf-slack1<pepermont> But again that is not really a problem since I can work around it with just giving the FASM file :)09:32
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sf-slack1<acomodi> I guess that the required check should be removed from and a following check added to see whether at least one of bit_file or fasm_file is given as input. regarding the error with bitread, can you paste the whole failing log please?09:35
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sf-slack1<pepermont> By doing that I still get the type of error I would get if I used both a FASM and bitstream files09:41
sf-slack1<pepermont> @acomodi Another thing I noticed is that if you dont give `--iostandard` and `--drive` you get a warning like `IOSTANDARD+DRIVE+SLEW settings provided for IOB_X0Y3 do not match their counterparts decoded from the fasm Requested: IOSTANDARD=None, DRIVE=None`  so I assume that this information is missing from the FASM file. I also tried running the and there I got the following error  `raise11:22
sf-slack1FasmLookupError('\n'.join(missing_features))` `prjxray.fasm_assembler.FasmLookupError: Segment DB LIOB33, key LIOB33.IOB_Y1.LVCMOS12_LVCMOS15_LVCMOS18_LVCMOS25_LVCMOS33_LVTTL_SSTL135.SLEW.SLOW not found from line 'LIOB33_X0Y3.IOB_Y1.LVCMOS12_LVCMOS15_LVCMOS18_LVCMOS25_LVCMOS33_LVTTL_SSTL135.SLEW.SLOW'` Then I took a look at the code and noticed the following comment `# TODO: The following FASM string only works on Artix 50T and11:22
sf-slack1Zynq 10` `# fabrics. It is known to be wrong for the K70T fabric, but it is` `# unclear how to know which IOSTANDARD to use.` So I assume that I get it because I use an xc7a35t instead. I remember though that in older versions of the tool such a problem did not exist. Was that version assuming a standard and putting it there? (e.g. LVCMOS33) If that assumption is correct is there a way to enforce it in the current script as11:22
sf-slack1<acomodi> The fasm lookup error might be due to an outdated prjxray-db11:31
sf-slack1<acomodi> this should be the correct entry11:32
sf-slack1<pepermont> The file looks the same as the one I have11:53
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