Sunday, 2021-08-15

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deproHello! I want to make a clean installation of ubuntu and run project xray, I have tried different versions and I always get stuch somewhere. Which Ubuntu version would you recomend me getting to experience minimum problems?12:19
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sf-slack<pgielda> If you want to *use* the toolchain --
sf-slack<pgielda> If you want to *develop* the toolchain, thats a whole different story12:39
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sf-slack<pepermont> Hello! thank you @pgielda! Right now I just want to use it and for now, I am interested in project x-ray alone (I want to turn bitstreams into netlists). I try to follow the steps in but I am experiencing problems13:35
sf-slack<pepermont> Especially in step 513:37
sf-slack<pepermont> I have tried with different versions of ubuntu but none of them have seemed to work.13:38
sf-slack<kgugala> @pepermont if you want to use the toolchain you should follow the guide from the examples repo
tpbTitle: Welcome to SymbiFlow examples! — SymbiFlow examples documentation (at
sf-slack<kgugala> it lists all the deps you need and how to use the toolchain15:09
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