Wednesday, 2021-08-04

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sf-slack<mkurc> Hi @xanjohns. I'll have a look into it today.07:09
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benreynwarCould someone familiar with prjxray give me a one sentence explanation for each of the tools in the tools directory?15:37
benreynwarThe tools are bitread, bittool, segmatch, gen_part_base_yaml, xc7path, xc7frames2bit, frame_address_decoder, bits2rbt15:38
benreynwarI'll use this info to improve docs/db_dev_process/parts.rst15:40
sf-slack<acomodi> Hi, benreynwar15:43
benreynwaracomdi: Hi!15:45
sf-slack<acomodi> bitread is used to read a bitstream file to output a readable bitfile that can be than used to get the various FASM features15:45
sf-slack<acomodi> segmatch is mainly used in the fuzzing process to correlate the different bits and find which one belong to which feature15:46
sf-slack<acomodi> gen_part_base_yaml is used to get a high level information on the device structure (number of configuration rows/columns and maximum frame addresses)15:47
sf-slack<acomodi> xc7frames2bit is used to write a bitstream file starting from a frames one. Where, in turn, the frames file can be generated starting from a FASM file15:47
sf-slack<acomodi> xc7patch is used to patch a pre-existing bitstream with additional bits15:48
mithroacomodi: The new prjxray-db has been pushed!15:52
sf-slack<acomodi> mithro: great, thanks :)15:52
benreynwaracomodi: If any of them aren't really used much, then don't bother explaining them to me.15:53
benreynwarThose explanations will save me a bunch of time making sense of things.  Thanks!15:53
sf-slack<acomodi> No problem, I am not sure about bittool and bits2rbt, as they are not really used that much15:57
mithrobenreynwar: It would be great if that was turned into documentation if it isn't already!18:38
benreynwaracomodi: Another quick question.  If I look at a segdata* file, then I see "seg 00000000_026" and "bit 38_106".  What do 00000000, 26, 38 and 106 refer to?18:38
mithrobenreynwar: BTW Long time no see! :-)18:38
benreynwarmithro: Yep, I've already got it on as documentation on an internal branch, but it'll probably be next week before I'm sure I'm got to push things publicly that I've done at work.18:38
benreynwarmithro:  Yep. Good to see.  Nice to be able to work on this stuff during work time  now :).  Sounds like there aren't going to be any issues committing things publicly, but I want to double check first seeing as I'm new.18:40
mithrobenreynwar: Want to send me an email to [email protected] or [email protected] about what you are doing?18:46
mithroxanjohns: I think the biggest thing to think about the common-config stuff is that you are not going to finish moving everything, so we need to have a handoff procedure and otherwise good documentation of the plan so it can be continued when you go back to normal school work18:47
benreynwarmithro: Will do. I'm pretty sure you're already in touch with the group I've just joined.18:52
mithrobenreynwar: Can't hurt to have more contact :-)18:53
mithroI also lose track of things all the time :-)18:53
benreynwarmithro:  I was actually impressed you recognized my name, give how few times we've interacted :).18:59
benreynwarI think I lost acomodi to the European evening.  Anybody else know how to interpret the "seg 00000000_026" and "bit 38_106" in a prjxray segdata file?19:32
gatecatit's been a while but I think the second one is frame_bit19:51
gatecatbenreynwar: ^19:52
benreynwargatecat:  Thanks.  19:54
benreynwarTurns out my colleague Ian Taras knows this stuff pretty well, so he explained it to me.  I'll see if it makes sense to add this to the documentation as well.20:17
gatecatI think improving the docs is always helpful20:19
sf-slack<pgielda> PRs to documentation are always welcome20:33

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