Sunday, 2021-08-01

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kgugalaslack bridge test07:39
kgugalaanother test07:42
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kgugalayet another test07:50
sf-slack<kgugala> @mithro the bridge is back07:50
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mithrokgugala: Any idea what is causing the bridge to fail?16:03
sf-slack<kgugala> @mithro this time it was a problem with freenode. Libera was bridged with freenode, and Slack bridge was registered on freenode's channel. There seems to be an issue with connecting to freenode. We've switched the bridge to connect to libera16:07
benreynwar_I'm trying to get an overview of what is and isn't done already in prjxray.  What are the things that it would be good to have fuzzers for, but haven't been done yet?16:10
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benreynwar_I just started a new job and one of my tasks for next week is to get familiar with prjxray.  Thought trying to implement a fuzzer would be a good way to do that, but I wasn't sure what a good choice would be.16:36
gatecatbenreynwar_: I'd be really interested in seeing Kintex-7 HPIO & ODELAYs fuzzed17:13
gatecatI did some WIP efforts towards this at, but I haven't had time to work on this recently and I fear prjxray might have moved on in the meantime17:14
gatecateither way, this might be a useful starting point and the core idea is to take the existing IOB33 fuzzer and modify the IO standards to the Kintex 7 HRIO one17:15
benreynwar_gatecat: Sounds like a good place to start. Thanks!20:32

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