Friday, 2024-04-05

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somlogurki, bl0x[m]: getting an MS or PhD is hard because it's usually the student's *first* experience working as a researcher. After having done it for a living for a number of years, one can "speed run" through it, but at that point it'd only be worth it to check some silly HR box, as a formality -- it's only worth doing if you don't already know how to do it :)15:08
somloalternatively, if you already know how, it's "worth it" if you want peace and quiet to focus on things that interest you for a few years -- the tradeoff being the opportunity cost of making "real" money as an alternative. Less feasible as you advance through real life (i.e., having "grown up responsibilities" comes with a lower bound on how much money you're expect(ed/ing) to earn)15:15
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haubkegood day everyone. i am trying top get the liteeth core to run on my colorlight 5a-75b r8.2. if i try to use colorlite it works fine. i have a ping latency of about 0.2ms i have gotten  it to around 0.15ms with some tweaking of the tx/rx delays.  yet when i try to ping my board with liteeth core running , i do not get any ping back. even though i16:47
haubkeuse the same rx/tx delays as with the colorlite core. can someone expplain to me why this is?    ive tried many clock settings. i dont think this is an issue, because there are no timing violations.16:47
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