Sunday, 2024-01-21

*** tpb <[email protected]> has joined #litex00:00
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*** lexano <[email protected]> has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)02:42
*** TMM_ <[email protected]> has quit IRC (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)03:25
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*** peepsalot <peepsalot!~peepsalot@openscad/peepsalot> has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)04:06
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*** anuejn <[email protected]> has quit IRC (Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)10:17
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*** ubfx <[email protected]> has joined #litex12:36
ubfxHello everyone, I have a question regarding the litex-hub conda channel. Who maintains the packages (specifically OpenROAD) on there?12:37
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*** SpaceCoaster_ <SpaceCoaster_!~derek@user/spacecoaster> has joined #litex17:35
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*** ubfx <[email protected]> has quit IRC (Quit: Client closed)21:03
*** ElfenKaiser <ElfenKaiser!> has joined #litex21:50
*** Guest18 <Guest18!~Guest10@2601:240:8201:8e30:b02e:1d01:8de7:a8d5> has joined #litex23:32
Guest18For the io connections to add a new board, do we have to use specific names for signals?23:33

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