Thursday, 2023-08-03

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josuahcr1901: thank you for !14:12
tpbTitle: WDJ (at
josuahThis saves me a few hours maybe.14:12
josuahin particular around GenericPlatform.add_extension14:13
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josuahhaha, FPGA devboards all over my desk, running LED Chaser15:56
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cr1901josuah: Glad it helps! I still need to do an Amaranth one at some point.16:05
josuahcould be wise to wait RFC2 being merged ^_^'16:36
cr1901Idk how the platform API will change due to RFC2. I figure it's unaffected16:48
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whitequark[cis]it would require another RFC to change the platform API17:54
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