Sunday, 2023-07-02

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sensillehm, with uart=stub txfull is always 108:55
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somloanyone here have any experience with `pydevicetree`? One of my bucket list items involves generating a proper, canonical litex .dts for rocket based SoCs, and that requires ingesting and adapting the rocket-generated sample .dts, and "merging" it with the information from a litex csr.json (as opposed to hard-coding rocket-specific assumptions in the litex_json2dts script itself)15:27
somloso what I'm wondering is if studying pydevicetree for a bit is a worthwhile investment, or if anyone knows of a better python tool for parsing and modifying device tree data15:29
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somlothere's also `devicetree 0.0.2` on, not sure which one (or either one) is "advanced" enough for what we'd need...18:27
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