Thursday, 2023-02-23

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_florent_gruetzkopf: Here is the Qsys file I was using:
gruetzkopfThank you!09:34
_florent_gruetzkopf: The C5 port was a quick proof of concept I did for the LimeSDR QPCIe board 4 year ago on their request, but I haven't put more efforts into it after since they didn't seem interested to push this much further.09:36
_florent_gruetzkopf: I tried to maintained the C5 Phy while doing changes to the other PHY, but the changes were not tested on hardware.09:37
_florent_gruetzkopf: I still have some hardware to test this if required, so if you have trouble, I could try to help09:37
gruetzkopfOkay, that explains the rather limited docs/examples on this case, I'll see if I can get it up and running on S5GS (board with which are still plentiful for sub-100€) - I'll see what happens, thanks for the offer!09:37
_florent_gruetzkopf: The format on the Avalon-ST are standard TLP and IIRC I just had to convert Avalon-ST to LiteX Streams09:38
_florent_gruetzkopf: so mostly latency adaptations on the ready signal: 09:39
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