Saturday, 2022-11-12

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sensillei tried to build the colorlite project,, but it fails timing: 44.83 MHz (FAIL at 50.00 MHz) and 110.78 MHz (FAIL at 125.00 MHz). is anyone here using it?11:12
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_florent_Hi sensille, the timing were indeed a bit off, but some improvements have been done recently to use a 32-bit datapath in the Ethernet core, which improves timings, not sure this is already applied to ColorLite project (I created it as simple demo and use it BTW).15:13
_florent_It also seems that some developers are building a CNC controller using it as a basis:
tpbTitle: ColorCNC Colorlight 5A-75E/5A-75B as FPGA controller board - LinuxCNC (at
_florent_you can probably find some useful information there too15:14
sensillei installed litex only a few days ago, should the improvements be automatically included in colorlite?15:15
sensillethe project is what brought me here :)15:15
sensillei built that and noticed the failed timing. to simplify things i tried colorlite next, with the same result15:16
sensilleit also highly depends on the yosys/nextpnr version15:16
sensillei'm trying to wrap my head around litex, so i can contribute to the cnc project :)15:16
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sensillethe basic idea of litex is quite tempting, i have a variety of boards supported by litex15:18
sensilleis there a central module documentation, or is the source code the documentation?15:21
_florent_I would recommend exploring the Wiki:
_florent_and the slides:
tpbTitle: LiteX: SoC builder framework - Google Präsentationen (at
_florent_documentation is still sparse but we are trying to improve it progressively15:37
sensillebut i slowly start to get the idea :-)15:52
sensilleanother thing i noticed is that litex_sim doesn't work with a recent version of verilator, probably due to the change in the interface with verilator 4.21016:10
sensilleand one more: for the rv901t colorlight board (spartan 6, ISE 14.7), ISE optimizes eth_tx_clk away, so that the .ucf is wrong17:52
_florent_can you fill an issue for Verilator? Because I just recompiled verilator a few days ago and litex_sim was working18:03
_florent_For spartan6, I indeed spend minimal time getting things working since I no longer use ISE that much, but things were compiling IIRC, if it's no the case, please also fill an issue, I'll have a look. I remember fixing something similar18:04
sensillestrange. i was using a recent oss_cad_suite and got some errors. when i double checked with a version for 20210706 it worked18:05
sensillei seems like i can just constrain on eth_rx_clk instead18:05
sensilleunfortunately vivado does not support spartan 618:08
sensilleissue for eth_tx_clk opened. i will double check the litex_sim issue before creating an issue for that18:20
sensillewohoo, it pings! :-)18:52
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