Sunday, 2022-08-28

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absurdfatalismHi folks I have a very basic script that sets up a VGA pmod and video generator VGA timing signals16:27
absurdfatalismI connect it to a VHDL module I wrote that using video timing signals to drives the VGA output, chasing the beam etc16:27
absurdfatalismBut now I want to introduce a frame buffer, using Litex provided frame buffer stuff16:27
absurdfatalismI'd love the keep the VGA pmod setup as is16:27
absurdfatalismAnd just replace the chasing the beam setup with like a AXI bus to-from some frame buffer module16:27
absurdfatalismWhere I can just read+write the AXI bus to get/set pixels in the frame buffer memory16:27
absurdfatalism(and all the reading for display+vga timing, etc is all handled in frame buffer I guess?)16:27
absurdfatalismIs there a good example I can use that would show just basics16:27
absurdfatalismframe buffer + axi + <insert your code here> essentially ?16:27
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