Friday, 2022-07-08

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_florent_thanks mithro, for some of the points listed in the link, I consider some are implicit for LiteX: Code of conduct and being respectful to each other. I found sad having to have a code of conduct in a project or having to say you have to be respectful, and I consider than anyone not doing this naturally probably has nothing to do in the LiteX community, so we'll just politely let them understand  (be evasive in answer, let them 06:36
_florent_wait, etc...) and they'll leave.06:36
_florent_jevinskie[m]: we have a vga framebuffer in the simulator in the past, but this hasn't been re-integrated (yet...):06:39
_florent_this was a very simple PoC using SDL06:40
_florent_imgui could be really interesting to also be able to look at/control/force internal signals during the simulation06:41
_florent_ie to create an interactive simulator environment06:42
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jevinskie[m]Yeah at least with VPI it’s easy to get access to internal symbols using iterators over the modules. I think verilator would need fishing signals to the top level before compilation20:10

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