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jevinskie[m] | Ah, I may have found the issue. florent am I correct that I can't just use add_wb_slave() to add a 2 bit wide WB bus (converted from 2 bit wide addr Avalon-MM bus) to the 30-bit wide SoC WB bus? Do I need to do the address decoding myself? | 00:44 |
jevinskie[m] | Hmm, WB's cyc lets me know if I'm selected | 00:58 |
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_florent_ | jevinskie[m]: you use self.bus.add_slave, similar to this https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/blob/8ac3fbc0391b133775cbb6f12db89a27d7b18bd4/litex/soc/cores/led.py#L103-L107 | 07:17 |
_florent_ | LiteX will do the address decoding itself | 07:18 |
_florent_ | jevinskie[m]: BTW, for these kind of integration/tests, litex_sim can be very useful with Display (printf equivalents) in your code, ex: https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/blob/53750715d7ad23f14a75b97f8d0592aa63839862/litex/soc/cores/uart.py#L298 | 07:19 |
_florent_ | jevinskie[m]: simulation waveforms are nice, but you still have to search things that are interesting in it. Display has the advantage to automatically print the information you want on a specific event when running the simulation | 07:21 |
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shenki | _florent_: hey, are there common causes of the bios crc failing? | 09:35 |
shenki | i have it failing in both sim and on the arty with microwatt | 09:35 |
yrrapt[m] | Hi all, I am trying to create a SoC with a custom VexRiscV configuration. I create the verilog for the core using the VexRiscV repo but I can't figure how to configure LiteX to use my new source, it seems the variants are fairly hardcoded into LiteX at the moment. | 11:28 |
yrrapt[m] | Does anyone have any advice about the best to use a custom config? | 11:28 |
zyp | yrrapt[m], https://github.com/enjoy-digital/litex/blob/master/litex/soc/cores/cpu/vexriscv/core.py#L356 | 12:40 |
yrrapt[m] | @zyp thanks, that seems to work. | 12:57 |
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jevinskie[m] | Finally got it working for the simple gpio avalon. I thought I was using add_wb_slave wrong but it turns out I was missing a hex 0 in my test code for the MMIO addr. Doh! I don’t understand why I need to register the outputs but if I don’t the read data arrives a cycle too soon (since the main decoder is registered) https://github.com/jevinskie/litex/blob/1ac16114bb220542134cae96229bc9eedecff09d/litex/soc/interconnect/avalon.py#L86 | 22:20 |
jevinskie[m] | I thought the bridge would be independent of the decoder registered mode… | 22:20 |
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