Friday, 2021-12-17

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cr1901tnt: Thanks for the help w/ the icebreaker flash stuff in October (I gave you credit in the issue I opened).09:06
tntcr1901: october ? Was that the QE bit thing ? It was that long ago ? Damn time flies ...09:14
cr1901Yes, the QE bit thing. Please don't remind me that my latency is horrible :P09:14
tntlol. Where did you open an issue ?09:16
cr1901I finally felt good enough to take a shot at it myself, and concluded "I want some feedback before I do anything". It's not even clear to me that QE is industry standard09:16
tntnm ... got the github mail.09:16
cr1901Surprised I got this far w/o getting a headache, tbh. But... that's my limit for tonight lmao09:17
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tnt_florent_: another gotcha to mention for the litejesd doc : Apparently the phys module are _required_ to be named "jesd_phy%d" in the submodules, can't use any other name.14:51
tnt(I tried just 'phy' since I was in a module doing only JESD stuff and I wanted to avoid _JESD_JESD_XXX  (double JESD name) in the CSR names but ... seems that doesn't work.)14:52
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mikek_DE1SOCHi Florent! I noted on your recent tweet about asking for help with Litex and the XTRX. I would love to help!  But I am not sure how to help with? I do have some hardware already!15:25
mikek_DE1SOCAs being a Ham Radio operator I have various RF to Bits hardware as well as playing with all the different software.15:26
mikek_DE1SOCI do have 2 LimeSDR-mini's as well as a the big brother LimeSDR-USB board. And the Hicker is that I do have the original XRTX Board.  But my board is the mini mPCIE version. 15:28
tnthuh ... they are all mini PCIE ?15:29
mikek_DE1SOCRight now the XTRX board is currently installed in my Dell-6700 on the mPCIE slot and working Great! it's REALLY fast SDR radio board!!15:29
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mikek_DE1SOChuh?   From my understating..15:30
mikek_DE1SOCThey also have a mPCIE adapter boards.15:34
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tntmikek_DE1SOC: yeah, there are adaptaters from mpcie to usb3 and to full pcie, but it's the same xtrx mini-pcie board that plugs in them.15:50
mikek_DE1SOCtnt: Yup! Can I ask a few questions about Litex and the RiscV about the DE1-Soc Board?  would that be ok?16:06
tntsure you can ask ... it might take a while before someone has the answer though (if ever). So stick around ...16:08
mikek_DE1SOCyup... that's fine...  16:08
mikek_DE1SOCSo back story, Fore Warning, I am still learning! So please bare with me..  I have successfully got working the Linux on vexriscv, got the board to boot load and get a command prompt, all is good. But I would like to compile riscv programs on my linux machine then transfer them to the DE1-Soc Board.16:11
mikek_DE1SOCThe easiest way i was thinking was to have a Pre-built linux (OS) bin file that included zmodem, so that I can serial transfer the executable's to the board through the console port. As right now the only way for me to do this ON the DE1-SoC board.16:13
mikek_DE1SOCNext steps would be to access the bus on the boards..  I am still working on trying to get the GPIO ports to work for me. if there are more instructions on this subject this would be great!  Thanks!! MikeK16:14
_florent_mikek_DE1SOC: Great if you also have an XTRX. Help will definitely be useful. For now I still need to validate the LMS <-> FPGA interface and do first RF tests. Once ok, it will possible to open source the project.16:53
_florent_mikek_DE1SOC: the easiest way to run other binaries on Linux-on-LiteX-Vexriscv is probably to use the SDCard or Ethernet16:56
mikek_DE1SOCRight now my XtrX board is on the Pcie Bus of the Computer (Dell-6700). did you need me to get a PCI-FPGA board/bus?  Again, I am unsure how i can help.. i Do have various flavors of Terasic boards. Just recetly got the Deca board too!!17:02
mikek_DE1SOCi can definitely help you on the RF side... I have lots of tools in that regard!17:03
mikek_DE1SOCdid you want me to create a Development environment for you to transmit and I have a receiver over that air and spectrum RTL-SDR receiver.. I can set this up for would be an honour!17:05
mikek_DE1SOCPlease transmit in the Ham bands only!!!  As I have a valid License!  VA3TEC..17:05
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_florent_mikek_DE1SOC: Some help on the RF validation will be very useful yes, or play with the gateware/firmware and provide feedback/limitations17:14
mikek_DE1SOCok. no problem, but I need help on the develop environment, Do I need to match your hardware setup? my XTRX is currently installed on a Regular intel based PC running Linux? in my mind this would not suffice. I applogise I am still trying to understand which hardware that I would need.. still researching..17:22
mikek_DE1SOCI am new to your LitePCIe software setup, I thought it was only setup for FPGA targets! But if it's possible to run on a X86 HOST, Does that mean it can run on a DELL-6700?? if yes, then I was not aware of this!17:25
mikek_DE1SOCDo you have information on the setup of this type of environment? a wiki page of some sort?  17:26
mikek_DE1SOCThe multiple awarded PHD professor is teaching the newly joined undergrad here!  :)17:27
_florent_Your setup will be enough yes: Linux PC + XTRX inside (+ JTAG for the first update, unless we can use fairwaves' gateware update tools)17:55
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cr1901_florent_: You can probably go ahead and close the issue I opened on litespi... I think I'll have to write a small program that'll put the SPI flash into the proper mode. 1/218:21
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tntcr1901: well ... iceprog does that18:22
cr1901tnt: With your volatile patch, or as-is?18:24
cr1901(I wanted to reprogram the QE bit non-volatile-ly)18:24
tntIs it volatile ? I know I said so in the comment ... but I think it might not be.18:24
cr1901tnt: My reading of the Winbond datasheet is that you can choose whether to program the status reg volatilely or nonvolatilely18:25
tntyeah, and I do a 'write enable'  not a 'write enable volatile'.18:26
cr1901Then it should be permanent18:26
tntyeah, I think so too. I wasn't sure back when I wrote the patch and didn't test but AFAIR I've done it once on an old icebreaker that had it at 0 and never had to do it ever again, but I never re-checked to be sure.18:27
tntDid you use it ?18:28
cr1901tnt: No, I'll try the patch out now. There's a multitude of reasons why I didn't try your patch, but they all boil down to "I didn't know what I was doing until 12 hours ago" :P.18:29
cr1901And sleep, wake up, parse responses to issue, etc18:29
cr1901tnt: Your patch works18:39
tntfeel free to ping upstream on the pull request to motivate them to merge it ... it's been there for like 6 months.18:40
cr1901tnt: Also confirmed that it's non-volatile, contrary to your commit msg.18:42
cr1901Maybe we could have a disable QE option too (I want to test that enabling QE bit made some intermittent iceprog failures go away.)18:43
cr1901I pinged upstream18:44
tntfeel free to write a patch :p18:47
cr1901Will do so after yours is merged/if I have an overwhelming desire to break things again :).18:47
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mikek_DE1SOCThanks Florent! Any place to start getting Litex PCIe on the Linux Host?  Also would I be able to use the Jtag port on the bottom with soldering the pads to a USB-rsr232- jtag cable?19:36
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_florent_mikek_DE1SOC: It's already possible to use LiteX/LitePCIe on the XTRX with
_florent_mikek_DE1SOC: but it will just be a SoC with CPU + PCIe, the RF parts/peripherals are not yet integrated in this design21:01
_florent_For the JTAG, I just have it connected the JTAG port of the XTRX, with a JTAGBone bridge in the design allowing debug while the PCIe is in use21:02
mikek_DE1SOCthanks florent!  One last question! Do I need the xilinx FPGA build environment? I do not have this. I usually use Altera versions.21:05
tntyeah, you need vivado.21:07
mikek_DE1SOCis there a "Free" version?21:07
tntThere is ... no idea if it supports the device on the xtrx however, or the pcie core license.21:08
mikek_DE1SOCah....   :(    ok looking21:09
mikek_DE1SOCOH boy this is where is starts!  enter e-mail address...  :)21:12
mikek_DE1SOCcreate account...... :)21:12
tntOh yeah ... it's also like a 70G download and uses ~100G installed.21:12
tntAlthough you can probably uncheck a bunch of options during install like all ultrascale devices and such to win some space.21:13
mikek_DE1SOCdoes this mean that I will need to buy a Xilinx based board??  :)  actually I do have some purpose built Ultrascale boards!!  i can send you some if you are interested!!21:25
mikek_DE1SOCi can share some photo's if you want...  will have to host them somewhere, unless you want to provide me with a burner e-mail address.21:27
mikek_DE1SOCGot these boards from an auction. so basically free for you...21:27
tntHeh, thanks but I'm not really looking for hw at the moment. I'm trying to de-clutter my appt :p21:33
mikek_DE1SOCyou should SEEE  my place!!!   4 - 5rooms of a 4 bedroom hoouse!!  :)  :p21:34
mikek_DE1SOCthanks guys...   have to hit the road..  talk later!21:35
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